Info from the Office:
The 1st Quarter 2011 Owner Association dues statements have been sent out. They remain at $675. Owners will also receive a two page Condo newsletter. Some of the information from that ‘Nautilus News’ is as follows:
1) Renters: Owners are asked to provide information on your tenants to the office. There is a new form for renters to fill out so that the Association knows who belongs on the property.
2) The gate codes are changing. Owners and tenants must obtain gate cards and further information on that will be available in the near future.
3) The NCC Maintenance is now being taken care of by Mr. Zach Whidden.
4) Both Owner dues and tenant rental payments may be made online at:
This site was set up in May 2007 and it has 300 posts. See 170 photos at: The 'search' bar at the top left of the site works quite well. If you want info on topic or a unit just put the term or number (ie: 708, 1401 etc) into the box and hit search and all the threads about the topic or unit will appear. I am a 'former owner' of 708, sold my unit back to the developer for a 65K loss and I was glad to be out of there. Contact:
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
DBPR Complaint Information:
See update at bottom of this post:
The Division of Florida Condominiums has received a reply from Nautilus Development Partners, LLLP:
“It was alleged that the Developer commingled Developer funds with Condominium funds.”
The Division of Florida Condominiums has received a reply from Nautilus Development Partners, LLLP:
“It was alleged that the Developer commingled Developer funds with Condominium funds.”
The reply said in part:
“The Respondent’s written response indicated that the Management Company had installed an electronic check scanner in the 2nd quarter of 2010 that produced a banking error caused by the scanning software. At that time money intended for the Nautilus Cove Condominium account was inadvertently deposited into the Nautilus Cove Development Partners account and vice versa. In addition, a review of the evidence provided by the Association revealed that the corrective action for this issue had already been taken by the Association performing a full audit of both accounts and transfers were made to the appropriate accounts. The deposit that was referenced in September of 2010 (4th quarter) by the complainant was actually put into the correct account number, but the name listed was that of the Developer. That has since been corrected by the Respondent.”*
The correspondence referenced is available in full at the direct link, the prior posts on the matter have been moved to this site:
*Despite the assurances of Concord as above, our Association checks for quarterly dues are still being flagged for the Developers account, but it seems that the correct Assn account number is being used.
*Despite the assurances of Concord as above, our Association checks for quarterly dues are still being flagged for the Developers account, but it seems that the correct Assn account number is being used.
See below for most recent example (account #'s redacted):
Monday, December 20, 2010
First group of Suspension letters were sent out and suspensions were imposed.
The first group of Suspension letters have gone out to Owners with past due amounts owed to the Association. This is due to the BOD enforcing the recent changes made to the Florida Statutes, including the one on 7/1/10, the current wording of a relevant section of condo law is:
718.303 Obligations of owners and occupants; remedies.— (5) The association may suspend the unit owners voting rights if they are more than 90 days delinquent in paying any monetary amount due to the association.
Of the first group of letters, no owner had asked for a hearing on the suspension. Owners must be 90 days in arrears before such a letter is sent, a second group of letters will go out shortly.
The amount of delinquency hit a record high of $112,415 ths month and while collection efforts had brought this down by about $8k this may well be a temporary improvement as it it time for the 1st Quarter dues statements to be sent out and additional delinquencies are almost certain.

see below at Dec 8th post for details.
Also keep in mind that those behind in payments to the Association and who are renting out their units 'may' find that the Association will require those renters to directly pay to the office those rental payments rather than paying the condo owner, this is also covered in the new Florida statutes.
Usage Privileges Suspensions
1) 21 Owners have now had their usage privileges and voting rights suspended for being past the 90 limit on arrearages to the Association (see sample notification letter lower down in the blog). None of the suspended Owners had asked for a hearing to protest the suspension.
Those 21 now suspended have lost the voting rights and also the use of:
Several past due owners have recently made payments, one of $3,800 and these Owners are now off the delinquency list. Previously we had a delinquency of $112,415, recent collection efforts by the office have reduced that by $9,626 to a current delinquency of $102,789. This is the 'Good News' part, the 'Bad News' is that the first quarter 2011 dues statements will go out in a few days and we might find that after the 10 day grace period, that we are again close to the old $112k high. As mentioned previously the office is working on a set of new liens to be filed in January.
BOD to Suspend Use of Facilities and Voting Rights for Delinquent Owners
The below letter has gone out to Owners who owe money to the Condo. While amounts change almost daily, the amount past due is over $112,000, the highest we have ever had, and the condo can't be run on a deficit finance basis like the Federal Government, thus the rather harsh letter being sent out.
Considering the level of Delinquencies (43) we have only 68 Owners who are eligible to vote in or run for office at the 1/29/11 Annual General Meeting. We have 37 condos that have Homeowners exemptions filed and of that number 16 are on the Delinquency list.
Generally speaking those who are at or past the 2nd missed Quarterly Dues payment are not going to be able to recover, probably they will end up in foreclosure. I only know of one Owner who in effect 'came back' after having missed 2 Quarterly payments, hopefully this will change.
Since inception the condo has had 22 Foreclosures in total and liens have been filed against 31 units. There was one bankruptcy which involved 2 units.

The below letter has gone out to Owners who owe money to the Condo. While amounts change almost daily, the amount past due is over $112,000, the highest we have ever had, and the condo can't be run on a deficit finance basis like the Federal Government, thus the rather harsh letter being sent out.
Considering the level of Delinquencies (43) we have only 68 Owners who are eligible to vote in or run for office at the 1/29/11 Annual General Meeting. We have 37 condos that have Homeowners exemptions filed and of that number 16 are on the Delinquency list.
Generally speaking those who are at or past the 2nd missed Quarterly Dues payment are not going to be able to recover, probably they will end up in foreclosure. I only know of one Owner who in effect 'came back' after having missed 2 Quarterly payments, hopefully this will change.
Since inception the condo has had 22 Foreclosures in total and liens have been filed against 31 units. There was one bankruptcy which involved 2 units.

718.303 Obligations of owners and occupants; remedies.— (5) The association may suspend the unit owners voting rights if they are more than 90 days delinquent in paying any monetary amount due to the association.
Of the first group of letters, no owner had asked for a hearing on the suspension. Owners must be 90 days in arrears before such a letter is sent, a second group of letters will go out shortly.
The amount of delinquency hit a record high of $112,415 ths month and while collection efforts had brought this down by about $8k this may well be a temporary improvement as it it time for the 1st Quarter dues statements to be sent out and additional delinquencies are almost certain.

Also keep in mind that those behind in payments to the Association and who are renting out their units 'may' find that the Association will require those renters to directly pay to the office those rental payments rather than paying the condo owner, this is also covered in the new Florida statutes.
Usage Privileges Suspensions
1) 21 Owners have now had their usage privileges and voting rights suspended for being past the 90 limit on arrearages to the Association (see sample notification letter lower down in the blog). None of the suspended Owners had asked for a hearing to protest the suspension.
Those 21 now suspended have lost the voting rights and also the use of:
- Pool
- Barbecues & Barbecue areas
- Gym/Fitness Center
- Conference Room
- Clubhouse
Several past due owners have recently made payments, one of $3,800 and these Owners are now off the delinquency list. Previously we had a delinquency of $112,415, recent collection efforts by the office have reduced that by $9,626 to a current delinquency of $102,789. This is the 'Good News' part, the 'Bad News' is that the first quarter 2011 dues statements will go out in a few days and we might find that after the 10 day grace period, that we are again close to the old $112k high. As mentioned previously the office is working on a set of new liens to be filed in January.
BOD to Suspend Use of Facilities and Voting Rights for Delinquent Owners
The below letter has gone out to Owners who owe money to the Condo. While amounts change almost daily, the amount past due is over $112,000, the highest we have ever had, and the condo can't be run on a deficit finance basis like the Federal Government, thus the rather harsh letter being sent out.
Considering the level of Delinquencies (43) we have only 68 Owners who are eligible to vote in or run for office at the 1/29/11 Annual General Meeting. We have 37 condos that have Homeowners exemptions filed and of that number 16 are on the Delinquency list.
Generally speaking those who are at or past the 2nd missed Quarterly Dues payment are not going to be able to recover, probably they will end up in foreclosure. I only know of one Owner who in effect 'came back' after having missed 2 Quarterly payments, hopefully this will change.
Since inception the condo has had 22 Foreclosures in total and liens have been filed against 31 units. There was one bankruptcy which involved 2 units.

Additional liens are being prepared. Keep in mind that the filing of a lien by the condo is not a hostile action, it simply safeguards our claim on funds when the condo is eventually sold. No clear title can pass until a lien is satisfied. No condo has ever, or ever will, be foreclosed due to the condo filing a lien, it just states the claim to funds which must be paid before a clear title passes.
Here is the relevant part of the statute, keep in mind that if you are renting out your condo your tenants will be the ones banned from using the enumerated facilities.
(3) If a unit owner is delinquent for more than 90 days in paying a monetary obligation due to the association, the association may suspend the right of a unit owner or a unit’s occupant, licensee, or invitee to use common elements, common facilities, or any other association property until the monetary obligation is paid. This subsection does not apply to limited common elements intended to be used only by that unit, common elements that must be used to access the unit, utility services provided to the unit, parking spaces, or elevators.
(5) An association may also suspend the voting rights of a member due to nonpayment of any monetary obligation due to the association which is more than 90 days delinquent. The suspension ends upon full
payment of all obligations currently due or overdue the association.
It is also the BODs option to make your tenants pay your past due assessment. They notify the tenant that all rents in the future will be payable to the condo and not you. As far as I know this is not being done presently.
===========================================================Here is the relevant part of the statute, keep in mind that if you are renting out your condo your tenants will be the ones banned from using the enumerated facilities.
(3) If a unit owner is delinquent for more than 90 days in paying a monetary obligation due to the association, the association may suspend the right of a unit owner or a unit’s occupant, licensee, or invitee to use common elements, common facilities, or any other association property until the monetary obligation is paid. This subsection does not apply to limited common elements intended to be used only by that unit, common elements that must be used to access the unit, utility services provided to the unit, parking spaces, or elevators.
(5) An association may also suspend the voting rights of a member due to nonpayment of any monetary obligation due to the association which is more than 90 days delinquent. The suspension ends upon full
payment of all obligations currently due or overdue the association.
It is also the BODs option to make your tenants pay your past due assessment. They notify the tenant that all rents in the future will be payable to the condo and not you. As far as I know this is not being done presently.
BOD to Suspend Use of Facilities and Voting Rights for Delinquent Owners
The below letter has gone out to Owners who owe money to the Condo. While amounts change almost daily, the amount past due is over $112,000, the highest we have ever had, and the condo can't be run on a deficit finance basis like the Federal Government, thus the rather harsh letter being sent out.
Considering the level of Delinquencies (43) we have only 68 Owners who are eligible to vote in or run for office at the 1/29/11 Annual General Meeting. We have 37 condos that have Homeowners exemptions filed and of that number 16 are on the Delinquency list.
Generally speaking those who are at or past the 2nd missed Quarterly Dues payment are not going to be able to recover, probably they will end up in foreclosure. I only know of one Owner who in effect 'came back' after having missed 2 Quarterly payments, hopefully this will change.
Since inception the condo has had 22 Foreclosures in total and liens have been filed against 31 units. There was one bankruptcy which involved 2 units.

Additional liens are being prepared. Keep in mind that the filing of a lien by the condo is not a hostile action, it simply safeguards our claim on funds when the condo is eventually sold. No clear title can pass until a lien is satisfied. No condo has ever, or ever will, be foreclosed due to the condo filing a lien, it just states the claim to funds which must be paid before a clear title passes.
Here is the relevant part of the statute, keep in mind that if you are renting out your condo your tenants will be the ones banned from using the enumerated facilities.
(3) If a unit owner is delinquent for more than 90 days in paying a monetary obligation due to the association, the association may suspend the right of a unit owner or a unit’s occupant, licensee, or invitee to use common elements, common facilities, or any other association property until the monetary obligation is paid. This subsection does not apply to limited common elements intended to be used only by that unit, common elements that must be used to access the unit, utility services provided to the unit, parking spaces, or elevators.
(5) An association may also suspend the voting rights of a member due to nonpayment of any monetary obligation due to the association which is more than 90 days delinquent. The suspension ends upon full
payment of all obligations currently due or overdue the association.
It is also the BODs option to make your tenants pay your past due assessment. They notify the tenant that all rents in the future will be payable to the condo and not you. As far as I know this is not being done presently.
Here is the relevant part of the statute, keep in mind that if you are renting out your condo your tenants will be the ones banned from using the enumerated facilities.
(3) If a unit owner is delinquent for more than 90 days in paying a monetary obligation due to the association, the association may suspend the right of a unit owner or a unit’s occupant, licensee, or invitee to use common elements, common facilities, or any other association property until the monetary obligation is paid. This subsection does not apply to limited common elements intended to be used only by that unit, common elements that must be used to access the unit, utility services provided to the unit, parking spaces, or elevators.
(5) An association may also suspend the voting rights of a member due to nonpayment of any monetary obligation due to the association which is more than 90 days delinquent. The suspension ends upon full
payment of all obligations currently due or overdue the association.
It is also the BODs option to make your tenants pay your past due assessment. They notify the tenant that all rents in the future will be payable to the condo and not you. As far as I know this is not being done presently.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Turnover Election Results 12/20/10
Jennifer Jones (#206), 16 votes
Jennifer Jones (#206), 16 votes
David Turner (#105), 5 votes
None of the above: 1
L. DiGiacomo (#616) is BOD President
J. Jones, is BOD VP
N. Knight, Secty/Treasurer
(the only remaining Developer appointed Director)
From the archives: The only prior contested election in 2007 had 39 votes cast, Jennifer Jones won with 22, L. DiGiacomo 2nd with 11 and Rodney Smith had 6, the 2 other candidates had 0. Ms. Jones served for about 5 months and resigned due to the lack of co-operation received from the 2 Developer Directors, L. DiGiacomo assumed the seat and the next 2 elections he was retained as no one ran against him.
Friday, December 3, 2010
New Balance Sheet is Available
If you are interested in knowing the state of our finances you can take a look at the October NCC Balance Sheet by direct click on link at:
It is placed further down this blog as it runs 4 pages and would take up to much room at the top of the site.
If you are interested in knowing the state of our finances you can take a look at the October NCC Balance Sheet by direct click on link at:
It is placed further down this blog as it runs 4 pages and would take up to much room at the top of the site.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
A Going Away Gift from the Developer Controlled BOD
On 10-4-2010 the Board of Directors voted 3-0 to approve a “Shared Facilities Easement Agreement”, and on 10-6-2010 this 11 page document was filed in Bay County Courts and can be seen at:
Since the Developer has not turned over Phase 2 to the Association yet, this easement covers the main 2,200 sq ft ‘Commercial Building’ (ie: Clubhouse), 4 restrooms, exercise room, pool, pool pumps and childrens tot lot. As you will see below the developer will initially pay for the upkeep, BUT will bill us in advance for these estimated expenses at the start of each fiscal year. We are in effect renting these facilities from the developer plus the Developer (ie: Nautilus Development Partners, LLLP) has one office “Reserved for exclusive use by Developer”.
So the outgoing BOD has in effect given the Developer a nice going away present at our expense. Not only will they have an exclusive office here to rent out their unsold condos but we will be paying their expenses until they finally turn over the Phase 2 of the property which will be many many years in the future.
Some of those associated with Nautilus Development Partners, LLLP are our former BOD member Jay P. Brock and our current BOD member and Vice President/Treasurer Mr. Paul M. Missigman who as of 4/17/09 is listed in Florida Corporation documents as the General Partner of Nautilus Development Partners, LLLP. Can you say “Conflict of Interest?”
Exerts from the 11 pages filed:

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Consider A Complaint With the Florida DBPR.

Keep in mind that this division enforces the LAW and not the condo DOCUMENTS.
In many cases both the law and the documents are the same but the DBPR only handles complaints where the BOD is violating or in non-compliance with Florida statutes.
F.Y.I. Other direct links to Florida law can be found at:
The Condominium Act, Chapter 718, F.S.,
The Cooperative Act, Chapter 719, F.S.,
The Florida Mobile Home Act, Chapter 723, F.S.,
The Florida Vacation Plan and Timesharing Act, Chapter 721, F.S
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Case #09-002153-CA Closed
The CAHOURS/HUPP case #09-002153CA ended yesterday. This is the suit where 2 Owners sued the Association over stolen motorcycles, taken from the parking lot when both the gates and the CCTV were broken. Since it was a joint dismissal a reasonable guess would be that it was in some manner settled, these details are not reflected in the court filings and unless you know one of the parties and they tell you then details may remain unknown. There was no expenditure of funds for lawyers costs to the Association as the litigation was handled by the insurance company for the Condo Association.
11/3/2010 CASE CLOSED
11/3/2010 ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE - Recorded (OR.3281.1340 / 2010058425)
full details at:
Only my suit against the Association remains, this is now into its 3rd year and involves the rental of condos in violation of many sections of our documents. The part of the case against the Waterstone Resort Realty, the owner of those 4 condos (now foreclosed and resold) used by labor contractors as dorms for overseas workers, was settled several months ago, the Association half of the case continues as no response was ever made to my lawyers efforts to settle with the Condo. Further actions will be made in the new year if the new BOD does not agree to a settlement. The prior settlement offer was for the Condo to pay $6,500 of my costs and an agreement that the BOD will enforce the Condo documents as regards to rentals of units here at NCC. By both Condo documents and Florida law, this is a loser pays all sort of case. Details are found at: and
The CAHOURS/HUPP case #09-002153CA ended yesterday. This is the suit where 2 Owners sued the Association over stolen motorcycles, taken from the parking lot when both the gates and the CCTV were broken. Since it was a joint dismissal a reasonable guess would be that it was in some manner settled, these details are not reflected in the court filings and unless you know one of the parties and they tell you then details may remain unknown. There was no expenditure of funds for lawyers costs to the Association as the litigation was handled by the insurance company for the Condo Association.
11/3/2010 CASE CLOSED
11/3/2010 ORDER OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE - Recorded (OR.3281.1340 / 2010058425)
full details at:
Only my suit against the Association remains, this is now into its 3rd year and involves the rental of condos in violation of many sections of our documents. The part of the case against the Waterstone Resort Realty, the owner of those 4 condos (now foreclosed and resold) used by labor contractors as dorms for overseas workers, was settled several months ago, the Association half of the case continues as no response was ever made to my lawyers efforts to settle with the Condo. Further actions will be made in the new year if the new BOD does not agree to a settlement. The prior settlement offer was for the Condo to pay $6,500 of my costs and an agreement that the BOD will enforce the Condo documents as regards to rentals of units here at NCC. By both Condo documents and Florida law, this is a loser pays all sort of case. Details are found at: and
Friday, October 8, 2010
Concord Management @ The Rip Off Report
As long ago as July 2008, Concord was on the radar scope as a problem management company and things have only gotten worse lately with their major error in saying that the election date would be July 25th and now with them continuing to deposit owner payments into the developer account. I have updated a July 1, 2008 post at to keep readers nationwide aware of the problems that Concord is causing here at Nautilus Cove.
You might also take a look at how poor a job Concord is doing at their own 'Flagship' 600+ apartment complex in Orlando, the BBB report gives them an 'F' grade.
You might also take a look at how poor a job Concord is doing at their own 'Flagship' 600+ apartment complex in Orlando, the BBB report gives them an 'F' grade.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
#716 Sold for $84,000

#502, the old James Murphee, 2/2 condo now belongs to AMTRUST BANK of Cleveland, OH, as of 08-31-2010. The condo was originally sold 7-23-2007 for $160,000 and AmTurst paid $50,100 on 8/31/10. It will shortly join the ranks of foreclosures for sale at knock down prices.
7 units have sold so far in 2010, all foreclosures or short sales, no individual has been able to sell their condo due to the very low asking prices of the banks who want to move their distressed units.
The 2010 new owners are:
Unit - Owner - Pur. Date - $ Amt. Paid
#305 KEVIN G. RILEY 04-07-2010 - $110,500 2ND FLOOR 4BR/3BA
#512 MARK F. STITT 07-08-2010 - $69,900 2ND FLOOR 2BR/2BA
#606 JOHN R. GUOTH 05-06-2010 - $77,000 1st FLOOR 3BR/2BA
#710 WILLIAM R. COVINGTON 06-17-2010 - $89,000 2ND FLOOR 3BR/2BA
#712 HOOKS 03-08-2010 - $94,000 2ND FLOOR 3BR/2BA
#714 RANDALL G. WRIGHT 05-17-2010 - $89,000 2ND FLOOR 3BR/2BA
#716 JERRY R. CLAYTON 09-09-2010 - $84,000 2ND FLOOR 3BR/2BA
Want to find out who owns condos here?
Go to the Bay County Property Appraiser site at this click on link: click on 'search records' then from the menu select: 'Search by Location Address' type into the white box "13700" and this will bring up 3 pages of info on owners of various units at NCC, including an option to 'print labels'.
Before leaving the site you should go back to the above mentioned 'white box' and type in: 'Cape Cod Dr' which brings up 12 other listed condos, after that go back to the white box again and type in 'Lighthouse Rd' for another 4. Clearly this isn't that user friendly a site and it is easy to overlook some condos.
You can find out the entire history of unit sales, what was paid, when and there is a link to taxes also. You might note that the 'mailing address' of the condo owner may be an address other than the condos and now and then even different than the listing in the NCC owners lists.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
For those who are interested here is a link and a teaser of what is going on with mortgages as reported by The Washington Post. You may have to do a very simple registration to access all 3 pages. You can also 'google' the topic for other information.
Click on Link:
The nation's overburdened foreclosure system is riddled with faked documents, forged signatures and lenders who take shortcuts reviewing borrower's files, according to court documents and interviews with attorneys, housing advocates and company officials.
The problems, which are so widespread that some judges approving the foreclosures ignore them, are coming to light after Ally Financial, the country's fourth-biggest mortgage lender, halted home evictions in 23 states this week.
In some Florida courts, for instance, many judges automatically approve a foreclosure unless a borrower can point to a specific problem. Homeowners are given five minutes for a presentation. Often, they do not bother to show up.
Also see 'How Foreclosure Works' at:
Click on Link:
Under piles of paperwork, a foreclosure system in chaos
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, September 23, 2010The nation's overburdened foreclosure system is riddled with faked documents, forged signatures and lenders who take shortcuts reviewing borrower's files, according to court documents and interviews with attorneys, housing advocates and company officials.
The problems, which are so widespread that some judges approving the foreclosures ignore them, are coming to light after Ally Financial, the country's fourth-biggest mortgage lender, halted home evictions in 23 states this week.
In some Florida courts, for instance, many judges automatically approve a foreclosure unless a borrower can point to a specific problem. Homeowners are given five minutes for a presentation. Often, they do not bother to show up.
Also see 'How Foreclosure Works' at:
Sunday, September 19, 2010
NCC Condo Owner Must Do 57 Months -
3-judge panel denies Reed appeal
A federal court has upheld the 57-month sentence imposed on Dr. Michael Reed, the owner of condo #205. He is a local surgeon who pleaded guilty to a federal drug conspiracy charge last year.
Reed was found with a kilogram of cocaine at his residence when he was arrested. He was accused of using half of the kilo for personal use and selling the other half with the help of co-defendant Hector Melara. Eight people were charged in the case.
A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals 11th Circuit ruled Thursday that the judge was within his discretion when the sentence was handed down.
On 3/15/10 Nautilus Cove filed a lien for $3,827 on his unit, additional missed quarterly payments make the amount owed $5,211.
Reed is currently at:
MICHAEL REED 07155-017
with a Release Date of: 09-07-2013
A federal court has upheld the 57-month sentence imposed on Dr. Michael Reed, the owner of condo #205. He is a local surgeon who pleaded guilty to a federal drug conspiracy charge last year.
Reed was found with a kilogram of cocaine at his residence when he was arrested. He was accused of using half of the kilo for personal use and selling the other half with the help of co-defendant Hector Melara. Eight people were charged in the case.
A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals 11th Circuit ruled Thursday that the judge was within his discretion when the sentence was handed down.
On 3/15/10 Nautilus Cove filed a lien for $3,827 on his unit, additional missed quarterly payments make the amount owed $5,211.
Reed is currently at:
MICHAEL REED 07155-017
with a Release Date of: 09-07-2013
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Concord Management - Problems with them continue
Regular readers of this blog might be aware of my opinion that both the Board of Directors, which really means the complex developers, and Concord Management are uninterested and unresponsive to the Owners here at Nautilus Cove. The below outgoing email to the 'office' here at NCC summarizes the latest issue that both the BOD and Concord have chosen to ignore.
My initial phone conversations with the Concord Secretary Melissa Melvin on 7/15 raised issues she was uninformed on and I was told that the inquirys would be forwarded to someone else and I would be contacted. No one has contacted me.
Hopefully, when we finally have the 2nd owner member on the BOD we will quickly replace Concord with some other management firm. Here is a copy of my email of today:
Sent to:
2nd Follow up to unanswered July 19th inquiry about Nautilus Cove Condo
On July 19th I wrote to you: "You were going to have 'someone get back to me' regarding several issues I raised with you last Thursday. So far I have not gotten any contact from Concord."
My inquiry of July 15th remains unanswered. I want to know as follows:
1) Were quarterly dues payments incorrectly deposited into the Developers account rather than into a Nautilus Cove Condo account. You will recall that I had sent you a copy of the endorsement on the back of my own check showing what I believed to be the incorrect deposit.
2) Why is there no Community Assn. Manager (CAM) at Nautilus Cove since approx July 7th.
I now further inquire as to whether Concord Management is going to reduce their monthly billing to reflect that your firm is NOT providing the required level of representation as required by the Management Agreement. I am concerned that we are being billed top dollar for a CAM and are only getting a secretary. So is Concord going to adjust their billing to reflect this lower level of service.
Please now keep in mind that unless I receive a timely and on point reply to the questions raised over two weeks ago that I will make a formal complaint to DBPR in Tallahassee and ask them to investigate the matter.
Bill Harris
Owner #708
My initial phone conversations with the Concord Secretary Melissa Melvin on 7/15 raised issues she was uninformed on and I was told that the inquirys would be forwarded to someone else and I would be contacted. No one has contacted me.
Hopefully, when we finally have the 2nd owner member on the BOD we will quickly replace Concord with some other management firm. Here is a copy of my email of today:
Sent to:
2nd Follow up to unanswered July 19th inquiry about Nautilus Cove Condo
On July 19th I wrote to you: "You were going to have 'someone get back to me' regarding several issues I raised with you last Thursday. So far I have not gotten any contact from Concord."
My inquiry of July 15th remains unanswered. I want to know as follows:
1) Were quarterly dues payments incorrectly deposited into the Developers account rather than into a Nautilus Cove Condo account. You will recall that I had sent you a copy of the endorsement on the back of my own check showing what I believed to be the incorrect deposit.
2) Why is there no Community Assn. Manager (CAM) at Nautilus Cove since approx July 7th.
I now further inquire as to whether Concord Management is going to reduce their monthly billing to reflect that your firm is NOT providing the required level of representation as required by the Management Agreement. I am concerned that we are being billed top dollar for a CAM and are only getting a secretary. So is Concord going to adjust their billing to reflect this lower level of service.
Please now keep in mind that unless I receive a timely and on point reply to the questions raised over two weeks ago that I will make a formal complaint to DBPR in Tallahassee and ask them to investigate the matter.
Bill Harris
Owner #708
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Only foreclosures are selling and at greatly reduced prices-
#716, one of the 4 Waterstone foreclosed units is available for $89,900 'as is' or best offer. MLS #535022. This has been unoccupied since 12/09 and has minimal furniture. Having been up there I know it needs a paint job and new carpeting. 2 of the 4 Waterstone/Compass Bank units have already sold, 714 for $89,000 and 712 at $94,000. Original price on this upstairs 3/2 courtyard side was $165k.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
How is Nautilus Cove Being Marketed?

Here is a direct link to their site:
There are 168 condos here, 57 are unsold developer units that Concord rents out on their behalf. The office manager for Concord spends 50% of their effort on the Developers business and 50% presumably on NCC business. This info is from the old CAM here who gave the 50% info at one of the Annual General Meetings. We budget $70,000 a year for Concord but we only get 50% effort by them.
Clearly the tail is wagging the dog here. We have 111 privately owned units and 57 Developer units but we have only a part time office manager for our own business. When we get control of the condo with the election of the 2nd Board of Director member we will have a good opportunity to toss out Concord and put in a management firm that will handle the Nautilus Cove business.
If Concord wants to rent office space for a leasing agent then we can provide them with one at a monthly rental to be determined. Our new management firm will NOT be shilling for Concord or the Developer, they will work only on Nautilus Cove business.
We need 2 new BOD members that will take charge of the complex and not put up with any Concord or Developer BS. This complex is ours and should and will be run by the owners. You might have noted that although Concord initially set the date of the election of the 2nd BOD member at July 25th, when Norman Knight (, of Concord and both a BOD member and the President of the Association found out about the date, within 2 hours he emailed me that the date was incorrect and not authorized and there would be no election on 7/25 despite what Concord had said to the DBPR in Tallahassee 8 months previously. They will delay this election until the last possible day as they know that the Concord/Developer rule here at Nautilus Cove is coming to an end.
Here is the contact infor for our 3 BOD members. Keep in mind that in 3 years I have only gotten one incoming from any BOD member, so don't hold your breath waiting to hear from any of them:
Norman Knight
Paul Missigman
Leonard DiGiacomo (Owner of #616)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Now and then there is a problem -

Something came to my attention with my quarterly dues payment ($675) it had been deposited to the Regions account of 'Nautilus Development Partners', this is the old Gulf Boulevard Partners that most of us purchased our condos from.
This seemed a bit odd. We should have our own bank account for 'Nautilus Cove Condomnium Assn, Inc' a Non Profit Corporation and logically our funds should go into that account. I believe the office has the first account for depositing rent checks for the developers units and we should have an account for our funds. Now I am making some assumptions here, I don't actually know for sure. I did inquire to the Melissa Melvin in the office if quarterly dues checks had inadvertently been put into the wrong account. (Hey, maybe it is in the right account? I'm just asking.)

My complaint here is not so much that the funds ended up in the wrong account, I really don't know if they did or did not, and even if they did make an error it can easily be fixed. The complaint is that both Concord Management and the Board of Directors still will NOT communicate with owners here who have legitimate concerns on how the complex is being operated.
We need a good house cleaning, getting rid of Concord Management and electing 2 new Owner BOD members will be a good start.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Some interesting sections of the Fla Condo Act

put at the end of the blog, click on direct link to go there:
see the entire Act at:
see the entire Act at:
Friday, June 18, 2010
NCC is now a rental property
For those owners looking in from 'out of town' you can see that the complex is now being promoted as a rental community. My estimate is that 50% of the units are now either rentals or available for rentals.
The developer has their 57 units and many individual owners are also renting out (or trying to rent out). Sales are virtually nil and except for sales of units at knock down prices by banks or mortgage companies, they will probably remain flat for the next few years. Rentals are the only realistic way for owners to get any money out of their unwanted units.

The developer has their 57 units and many individual owners are also renting out (or trying to rent out). Sales are virtually nil and except for sales of units at knock down prices by banks or mortgage companies, they will probably remain flat for the next few years. Rentals are the only realistic way for owners to get any money out of their unwanted units.
So you like to look things up!
These sites will provide you with the Florida laws regarding condominiums, just click on the links:
Bay County Fla Elected Officals:
(click on for direct links)
Clerk of Court
Sheriff's Office
Supervisor of Elections
Property Appraiser
Govt. Websites:
The White House
House of Representatives
IRS Forms
Library of Congress
United States Post Office
Zip Codes
Social Security Administration
GOVBOT Database of US Government and Military Web Sites
Business Links
Florida Dept of State at:
Florida Small Business Development Center Network
US Patents & Trademark Office
US Small Business Administration
The Official Web site of the State of Florida:
Fla Driver License Forms:
Florida DMV - Driver's license at:
Florida Highway Patrol at: Address Change Form for Driver's License
Fla Motor Vehicle Forms:
Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
Bay County Fla Elected Officals:
(click on for direct links)
Clerk of Court
Sheriff's Office
Supervisor of Elections
Property Appraiser
Govt. Websites:
The White House
House of Representatives
IRS Forms
Library of Congress
United States Post Office
Zip Codes
Social Security Administration
GOVBOT Database of US Government and Military Web Sites
Business Links
Florida Dept of State at:
Florida Small Business Development Center Network
US Patents & Trademark Office
US Small Business Administration
The Official Web site of the State of Florida:
Fla Driver License Forms:
Florida DMV - Driver's license at:
Florida Highway Patrol at: Address Change Form for Driver's License
Fla Motor Vehicle Forms:
Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
Friday, February 12, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
2010 1st Quarter Newsletter FYI:
The first quarter newsletter is reproduced here FYI. Some have read it already but there are those who are not owners who look in here and would like to be kept informed of what is going on at the complex. So here it is for your reading pleasure.
Double click for larger image or print out.

One item worth note is information on the often broken gates. At least they are again opening and closing, so we should be grateful for this small miracle. The gates are an important part of the complex for several reasons, one is that we bought here (& many rent here) on the basis that this is a secure complex with limited access. All to often this is not the case and there is currently in the Bay County court a civil suit due to these gates being inoperable for a considerable time and not fixed in a timely manner.
Two expensive motorcycles were stolen here one night and when the owners complained they got no satisfaction from the management firm or the BOD. They were just told it wasn't 'their problem' (ie: the management firm and BODs). So
a civil action was started by these 2 owners and it is ongoing. (for details see: A bit of cooperation at the outset would probably have averted this suit. The gates must be kept in working condition and when broken they must be fixed a.s.a.p.
Double click for larger image or print out.

One item worth note is information on the often broken gates. At least they are again opening and closing, so we should be grateful for this small miracle. The gates are an important part of the complex for several reasons, one is that we bought here (& many rent here) on the basis that this is a secure complex with limited access. All to often this is not the case and there is currently in the Bay County court a civil suit due to these gates being inoperable for a considerable time and not fixed in a timely manner.
Two expensive motorcycles were stolen here one night and when the owners complained they got no satisfaction from the management firm or the BOD. They were just told it wasn't 'their problem' (ie: the management firm and BODs). So A bit of cooperation at the outset would probably have averted this suit. The gates must be kept in working condition and when broken they must be fixed a.s.a.p.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
No Rebates to owners for water/sewer bills:
You might recall that up until Dec 2008 American Utility Management (AUM) handled the billings for water and sewer at NCC. They did a very poor job and were fired. NCC then rolled the water and sewer costs into the quarterly dues payments.

Since consumption of water could not be accurately computed in advance, the water charge was set to a consumption level that would probably exceeded what was likely to be used. This with the expectation that the actual costs would be lower than what was being paid with the result that there would be an overage requiring a rebate at the end of the year.
Unfortunately this is no longer an option and the office advises: "Credits/refunds for overages are based on the total overall budget not on individual line items. The overall budget did not have an overage so there are not any credits or refunds to be distributed."
So nothing is coming back from the artificially high water bills. Considering how bad AUM was we are probably better off without them, even at the higher cost for the water/sewer billings.
Something else for your consideration is that when units stopped being billed for their actual consumption and the entire water/sewer bill was divided by 168 (and a bit more added on to ensure water/sewer wasn't under billed) that we ended up with EVERYONE paying exactly the same. 2/2's pay the same as 4/3's. People like myself who spent only 49 days on property in 2009 pay exactly the same as a family of 8 who are here and using water every day.

With the current crop of BOD/Officers it is unrealistic to think that this issue could be addressed by this useless, do nothing group, but when the BOD comes under the control of owners later this year (July)*, the problem should be adjusted so that the larger units pay a higher fee and the smaller units pay a bit less.
* This turned out to be Dec. 2010, not July
Since consumption of water could not be accurately computed in advance, the water charge was set to a consumption level that would probably exceeded what was likely to be used. This with the expectation that the actual costs would be lower than what was being paid with the result that there would be an overage requiring a rebate at the end of the year.
Unfortunately this is no longer an option and the office advises: "Credits/refunds for overages are based on the total overall budget not on individual line items. The overall budget did not have an overage so there are not any credits or refunds to be distributed."
So nothing is coming back from the artificially high water bills. Considering how bad AUM was we are probably better off without them, even at the higher cost for the water/sewer billings.
Something else for your consideration is that when units stopped being billed for their actual consumption and the entire water/sewer bill was divided by 168 (and a bit more added on to ensure water/sewer wasn't under billed) that we ended up with EVERYONE paying exactly the same. 2/2's pay the same as 4/3's. People like myself who spent only 49 days on property in 2009 pay exactly the same as a family of 8 who are here and using water every day.
With the current crop of BOD/Officers it is unrealistic to think that this issue could be addressed by this useless, do nothing group, but when the BOD comes under the control of owners later this year (July)*, the problem should be adjusted so that the larger units pay a higher fee and the smaller units pay a bit less.
* This turned out to be Dec. 2010, not July
Sunday, January 3, 2010
NCC Budget 2012 and 2010 and Balance Sheet of 10/25/10
Nautilus Cove Condo Budget for 2012

Nautilus Cove Budget for 2010
Misc FYI: The document title should read '2010 Proposed Budget'. It was put together in 2009 and approved by the BOD on Dec. 20, 2009 as the 2010 budget.
Click on for larger image:

Click on for larger image or print out:

Click on for larger image or print out:
=======================================================Nautilus Cove Budget for 2010
Misc FYI: The document title should read '2010 Proposed Budget'. It was put together in 2009 and approved by the BOD on Dec. 20, 2009 as the 2010 budget.
Click on for larger image:

Click on for larger image or print out:

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