The developer has their 57 units and many individual owners are also renting out (or trying to rent out). Sales are virtually nil and except for sales of units at knock down prices by banks or mortgage companies, they will probably remain flat for the next few years. Rentals are the only realistic way for owners to get any money out of their unwanted units.
This site was set up in May 2007 and it has 300 posts. See 170 photos at: The 'search' bar at the top left of the site works quite well. If you want info on topic or a unit just put the term or number (ie: 708, 1401 etc) into the box and hit search and all the threads about the topic or unit will appear. I am a 'former owner' of 708, sold my unit back to the developer for a 65K loss and I was glad to be out of there. Contact:
Friday, June 18, 2010
NCC is now a rental property
For those owners looking in from 'out of town' you can see that the complex is now being promoted as a rental community. My estimate is that 50% of the units are now either rentals or available for rentals.
The developer has their 57 units and many individual owners are also renting out (or trying to rent out). Sales are virtually nil and except for sales of units at knock down prices by banks or mortgage companies, they will probably remain flat for the next few years. Rentals are the only realistic way for owners to get any money out of their unwanted units.

The developer has their 57 units and many individual owners are also renting out (or trying to rent out). Sales are virtually nil and except for sales of units at knock down prices by banks or mortgage companies, they will probably remain flat for the next few years. Rentals are the only realistic way for owners to get any money out of their unwanted units.