#502, the old James Murphee, 2/2 condo now belongs to AMTRUST BANK of Cleveland, OH, as of 08-31-2010. The condo was originally sold 7-23-2007 for $160,000 and AmTurst paid $50,100 on 8/31/10. It will shortly join the ranks of foreclosures for sale at knock down prices.
7 units have sold so far in 2010, all foreclosures or short sales, no individual has been able to sell their condo due to the very low asking prices of the banks who want to move their distressed units.
The 2010 new owners are:
Unit - Owner - Pur. Date - $ Amt. Paid
#305 KEVIN G. RILEY 04-07-2010 - $110,500 2ND FLOOR 4BR/3BA
#512 MARK F. STITT 07-08-2010 - $69,900 2ND FLOOR 2BR/2BA
#606 JOHN R. GUOTH 05-06-2010 - $77,000 1st FLOOR 3BR/2BA
#710 WILLIAM R. COVINGTON 06-17-2010 - $89,000 2ND FLOOR 3BR/2BA
#712 HOOKS 03-08-2010 - $94,000 2ND FLOOR 3BR/2BA
#714 RANDALL G. WRIGHT 05-17-2010 - $89,000 2ND FLOOR 3BR/2BA
#716 JERRY R. CLAYTON 09-09-2010 - $84,000 2ND FLOOR 3BR/2BA
Want to find out who owns condos here?
Go to the Bay County Property Appraiser site at this click on link: http://qpublic.net/bay/index-search.html click on 'search records' then from the menu select: 'Search by Location Address' type into the white box "13700" and this will bring up 3 pages of info on owners of various units at NCC, including an option to 'print labels'.
Before leaving the site you should go back to the above mentioned 'white box' and type in: 'Cape Cod Dr' which brings up 12 other listed condos, after that go back to the white box again and type in 'Lighthouse Rd' for another 4. Clearly this isn't that user friendly a site and it is easy to overlook some condos.
You can find out the entire history of unit sales, what was paid, when and there is a link to taxes also. You might note that the 'mailing address' of the condo owner may be an address other than the condos and now and then even different than the listing in the NCC owners lists.