This site was set up in May 2007 and it has 300 posts. See 170 photos at: The 'search' bar at the top left of the site works quite well. If you want info on topic or a unit just put the term or number (ie: 708, 1401 etc) into the box and hit search and all the threads about the topic or unit will appear. I am a 'former owner' of 708, sold my unit back to the developer for a 65K loss and I was glad to be out of there. Contact:
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
#705 goes back to Deutsche Bank
The auction of the Juan Reyes unit #705 is over and the mortgage holder Deutsche Bank simply purchased it for $20,100. There was only one other bidder.
Typically the Bank will purchase these foreclosures and will bid up to the amount due on the mortgage no matter what others might bid.
Expect the unit to now be turned over to a realtor and eventually sold for between 40-50% of the original 12/11/06 sale price of $168,200.

Also Bank of America is just about to take back #701 from us (originally the Jarrett condo). BofA Filed Lis Pendens 6/12/12 and entered a 'Motion for Final Judgment' on 10/30/12. Shortly the Court will grant them title and it also will be auctioned off 30 days after that.
If you want to keep up with the various auctions for foreclosure see:
To see 'Final Judgement of Foreclosure go to:
Misc: The units we now own and their original owners are-
506 - Grass
701 - Jarrett (going to auction shortly)
401 - Thomas
702 - Ussery
705 - Reyes (no longer our unit)
Typically the Bank will purchase these foreclosures and will bid up to the amount due on the mortgage no matter what others might bid.
Expect the unit to now be turned over to a realtor and eventually sold for between 40-50% of the original 12/11/06 sale price of $168,200.

Also Bank of America is just about to take back #701 from us (originally the Jarrett condo). BofA Filed Lis Pendens 6/12/12 and entered a 'Motion for Final Judgment' on 10/30/12. Shortly the Court will grant them title and it also will be auctioned off 30 days after that.
If you want to keep up with the various auctions for foreclosure see:
To see 'Final Judgement of Foreclosure go to:
Misc: The units we now own and their original owners are-
506 - Grass
701 - Jarrett (going to auction shortly)
401 - Thomas
702 - Ussery
705 - Reyes (no longer our unit)
Monday, November 26, 2012
Entry Gate Options -
NCC has a functioning call box at the entry gate that will be put back in use. It allows a visitor to look up a resident by name. The visitor selects that name which calls the resident's phone (cell or land line). The resident then selects "9" on their phone key pad. This opens the gate.
This can be done from anywhere, even if you are not at home. So, if you have a delivery and are at work or vacation, the gate can still be opened.The condo is looking for input on these 2 below options for access via the front gate.
Currently, access to the property can be obtained with a pass code, swipe card, or beeper.
1. Gate Entry Option 1:
Entry to the property would be gained through the use of swipe cards, beepers, and the call box. No entry codes would be provided. Anyone visiting without a swipe card would simply call the owner through the call box and be beeped in. Remember this can be done from anywhere.
2. Gate Entry Option 2:
Entry to the property would be gained using an access code. This access code would be changed each month and provided to all current owners and residents. Swipe cards and beepers (for owners only), and the call box would also access the property.
Misc Note: Neither of the plans will stop vehicles without any beeper, card or code from simply waiting until another vehicle opens the gate and the second vehicle also drives onto the property. A quicker closing time might be an option but a closing gate damaging any vehicle will probably result in a claim for damage done.
This can be done from anywhere, even if you are not at home. So, if you have a delivery and are at work or vacation, the gate can still be opened.The condo is looking for input on these 2 below options for access via the front gate.
Currently, access to the property can be obtained with a pass code, swipe card, or beeper.
1. Gate Entry Option 1:
Entry to the property would be gained through the use of swipe cards, beepers, and the call box. No entry codes would be provided. Anyone visiting without a swipe card would simply call the owner through the call box and be beeped in. Remember this can be done from anywhere.
2. Gate Entry Option 2:
Misc Note: Neither of the plans will stop vehicles without any beeper, card or code from simply waiting until another vehicle opens the gate and the second vehicle also drives onto the property. A quicker closing time might be an option but a closing gate damaging any vehicle will probably result in a claim for damage done.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Direct inquiries to:
This is a private site and is not associated with the developer or the association.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Even the ACLU has no use for Concord Management
Just How Bad Is Concord Management?
It is bad enough that we have them managing our condos at Nautilus Cove in Panama City Beach, but it could be worse for us if we were renting one of the 56 unsold developer units from them.
Take a look at just how they treated one woman at Valencia Village in Orlando. This is the same 3rd rate company we have in our condo office.
It was so bad that the ACLU took up her case. See details at:
and also
See these cases and others at:
Fair Housing Continuum, Inc v. Concord Management, Ltd
Also FYI: Fair Housing sued and alleged that Concord Management, Ltd. purposely misrepresented that the apartments were a '55 and over' community when they knew that it did not comply with the Housing For Older Persons Act of 1995 and as a result Concord discriminated against families with children who wanted to live at Spring Lake Cove.
Testers found that those who stated they had children were quoted higher rents and deposits than those testers who said they were 55+ and did not have children.
See also the summary of: Raymona J. Tumer vs. Concord Management, Ltd, which was filed
(get a subscription to PACER and you can access all such cases in Federal Court for only 10 cents a page)
Drop by these blog sites for more information on Concord Mis-Management:
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Parking Permits are available from the office
You can obtain 2 parking permits from the office for no charge. Complete the information below to register your vehicle(s) and you can obtain either the round decal for Owners or the square one for Tenants.

Condo Number: _______________________________________________

Round decal is for Owners
Nautilus Cove Vehicle Registration Form
Name(s): _____________________________________________________
Vehicle Make/Model/Color: ______________________________________
Tag Number: __________________________________________________
Monday, November 19, 2012
A Reminder from the Office:

Misc FYI:
9 NCC Newsletters are available at:
Concord Renters newsletter at:
or the 17 page Concord Residents Handbook at:

Misc FYI:
9 NCC Newsletters are available at:
Concord Renters newsletter at:
or the 17 page Concord Residents Handbook at:
Sunday, November 18, 2012
An 'in house' CAM or another Management Firm?
There has been some minor interest in using an 'in house' CAM and Maintenance people rather than getting a replacement management firm to step in for Concord. I inquired of Continental on this issue and here is the reply I got from them:
"There are several reasons why a community should choose a management company like The Continental Group.
First off, I will argue the savings and here’s why: there is no way that a single community, regardless of its size, can bring the resources, buying power and “clout” to the table as Continental can.
We have the resources of 700+ CAM’s statewide and 31 CAM’s that work out of our Miramar Beach Regional Office. The Certified Vendor Program that we have incorporated assures communities that ALL vendors are licensed, insured and provide the BEST customer service or they are off the program. Our CAM’s are the highest trained and experienced in the industry and we hire only the best of the best.
Our ValueEngineering program will give Nautilus Cove National Account buying privileges with companies such as Waste Management, Otis, AmSan to bring BETTER PRICING to your association. Just last year, we were able to save our associations millions of dollars using these vendors.
If NCC were to hire a CAM at $50,000 per year, you would have to still pay the payroll taxes and any expenses related to that position. These expenses may include major medical insurance, additional liability insurance, uniforms, cell phones, radios, drug testing, criminal background checking, etc. All of these costs are borne by Continental PLUS reducing your expenses with the National Account program.
One of the first things we would do for NCC is to bring in our team of insurance professionals to review and analyze your insurance program. If we cannot reduce your premium by as much as 15%, reduce your deductable while increasing your coverage, I would be very surprised. We just saved Destin Yacht Club $22,000 in insurance premiums and they only have 48 units. Imagine how much in savings there may be at NCC. The Board at The Breakers of Fort Walton Beach was self managed for 25 years. They hired us beginning October 1, 2011 and will tell you that we have saved them in excess of $100,000.00 per year.
Now, if you/they still believe that you can save money by being self managed, then there is no convincing you. We have the best program and our growth will verify that fact.
We would love to spend some time with your Board. If they will take the time, I will show them our program and complete a Cost Savings Analysis and show them here we can save them money."
Nearly two years ago this firm provided a 24 page proposal for representing our condo, it is available at:
I do not believe we would save any money going 'in house' as any savings there would be eaten up with higher costs for our condo insurance and contracts with suppliers. We would not be spending more money with another firm than we spent with Concord, we would just be getting a lot better service. I did some additional research and found other info:
Hiring (and Firing) A Property Management Company, at this link:
also these 2 sites:
What should the 2013 BOD Do?
1) Keep separate the duties of the Board from those of the Condo 'Officers'. The 3 member BOD should not hold all 7 offices. The Board has the overall responsibility for the Condo (hiring Mgmt firm and lawyer, approving expenditures, electing the Officers, budget etc) but the 'Officers' see to the day to day running of the condo. More Owner participation is necessary and this should not be limited to just 3 people (1 of which represents the Developer).
2) Get rid of Concord Management, replace with a professional management firm.
3) Change the Association attorney, the one we have now really works for the Developer.
"There are several reasons why a community should choose a management company like The Continental Group.
First off, I will argue the savings and here’s why: there is no way that a single community, regardless of its size, can bring the resources, buying power and “clout” to the table as Continental can.
We have the resources of 700+ CAM’s statewide and 31 CAM’s that work out of our Miramar Beach Regional Office. The Certified Vendor Program that we have incorporated assures communities that ALL vendors are licensed, insured and provide the BEST customer service or they are off the program. Our CAM’s are the highest trained and experienced in the industry and we hire only the best of the best.
Our ValueEngineering program will give Nautilus Cove National Account buying privileges with companies such as Waste Management, Otis, AmSan to bring BETTER PRICING to your association. Just last year, we were able to save our associations millions of dollars using these vendors.
If NCC were to hire a CAM at $50,000 per year, you would have to still pay the payroll taxes and any expenses related to that position. These expenses may include major medical insurance, additional liability insurance, uniforms, cell phones, radios, drug testing, criminal background checking, etc. All of these costs are borne by Continental PLUS reducing your expenses with the National Account program.
One of the first things we would do for NCC is to bring in our team of insurance professionals to review and analyze your insurance program. If we cannot reduce your premium by as much as 15%, reduce your deductable while increasing your coverage, I would be very surprised. We just saved Destin Yacht Club $22,000 in insurance premiums and they only have 48 units. Imagine how much in savings there may be at NCC. The Board at The Breakers of Fort Walton Beach was self managed for 25 years. They hired us beginning October 1, 2011 and will tell you that we have saved them in excess of $100,000.00 per year.
Now, if you/they still believe that you can save money by being self managed, then there is no convincing you. We have the best program and our growth will verify that fact.
We would love to spend some time with your Board. If they will take the time, I will show them our program and complete a Cost Savings Analysis and show them here we can save them money."
Nearly two years ago this firm provided a 24 page proposal for representing our condo, it is available at:
I do not believe we would save any money going 'in house' as any savings there would be eaten up with higher costs for our condo insurance and contracts with suppliers. We would not be spending more money with another firm than we spent with Concord, we would just be getting a lot better service. I did some additional research and found other info:
Hiring (and Firing) A Property Management Company, at this link:
also these 2 sites:
What should the 2013 BOD Do?
1) Keep separate the duties of the Board from those of the Condo 'Officers'. The 3 member BOD should not hold all 7 offices. The Board has the overall responsibility for the Condo (hiring Mgmt firm and lawyer, approving expenditures, electing the Officers, budget etc) but the 'Officers' see to the day to day running of the condo. More Owner participation is necessary and this should not be limited to just 3 people (1 of which represents the Developer).
3) Change the Association attorney, the one we have now really works for the Developer.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Memo from the Office
Owners and residents who are using satellite dishes will need to mark their dish with a sticker or some clearly visible notice so that it will not be removed during this process.
The Board has stated it is the responsiblity of the owner or resident to locate, or have their provider locate, the satellite dish they are using and have it marked to avoid it being removed.
The Association will not be responsible for removing active dishes that are unmarked, so if you are still using a satellite TV provider, please have your dish located and marked as soon as possible.
The Board has stated it is the responsiblity of the owner or resident to locate, or have their provider locate, the satellite dish they are using and have it marked to avoid it being removed.
The Association will not be responsible for removing active dishes that are unmarked, so if you are still using a satellite TV provider, please have your dish located and marked as soon as possible.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
What is coming in 2013?

There seems to be a shifting of dynamics in the condo outlook as to continuing under the mis-management of Concord next year. It now seems reasonable to assume that the incoming BOD will not retain Concord but will shift either to another management firm or go 'in house' by hiring the CAM and maintanence people/person directly.
Information on both options are set out clearly in the 1,200 word article "Hiring (and Firing) A Property Management Firm" at:
It is very important that our Condo elect two like minded Board members for 2013 who will see to it that Concord Mis-Management is fired as our management firm when their current 3 year contract expires.
Owners should support only those who will tell us in advance that if they are elected that Concord is OUT as our management firm.
Current Nautilus Cove CondoDirectors/Board Mrs Simmons, #802, President Mr DiGiacomo #616, VP Represents Developer
Congratulations, you live 17 minutes from the airport!
Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP), opened on May 23, 2010, and now has a newly redone web site at:

Southwest and Delta serve the panhandle with daily direct flights to Atlanta, GA (ATL), Baltimore, MD (BWI), Houston, TX (HOU), Nashville, TN (BNA), and Orlando, FL (MC).
The airport is located just a 17 minute drive (13 miles) from Nautilus Cove. Drive West on PCB Pky 2.9 miles to SR 79, right 3 miles to CR 388 and follow the signs to NFBIA.

Southwest and Delta serve the panhandle with daily direct flights to Atlanta, GA (ATL), Baltimore, MD (BWI), Houston, TX (HOU), Nashville, TN (BNA), and Orlando, FL (MC).
The airport is located just a 17 minute drive (13 miles) from Nautilus Cove. Drive West on PCB Pky 2.9 miles to SR 79, right 3 miles to CR 388 and follow the signs to NFBIA.

A is Nautilus Cove
B is the Airport
Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport, opened in 2010, the two major carriers are Southwest and Delta with contracts for at least four more years.
There are four major airports from Tallahassee to Pensacola. Before the new airport opened, the old facility accounted for approximately 9 percent of the total passengers using the four airports, but now it accounts for 25 percent of total visitations.
Airport spokesman said that, "We’ve had 14 straight months with double-digit increases. . . The lift that Southwest and Delta has brought us has been invaluable. . . In May of 2010, we had 42,273 visitations. . . In May this year, we had 87,398 visitations. We’ve doubled the number of people that come in through the airport. Only Pensacola has more visitations than we do now."
For example, St. Louis is a 10- to-12-hour drive from PCB, but it’s only a 1.5-hour flight and a 17 minute drive to Nautilus Cove.
B is the Airport
Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport, opened in 2010, the two major carriers are Southwest and Delta with contracts for at least four more years.
There are four major airports from Tallahassee to Pensacola. Before the new airport opened, the old facility accounted for approximately 9 percent of the total passengers using the four airports, but now it accounts for 25 percent of total visitations.
Airport spokesman said that, "We’ve had 14 straight months with double-digit increases. . . The lift that Southwest and Delta has brought us has been invaluable. . . In May of 2010, we had 42,273 visitations. . . In May this year, we had 87,398 visitations. We’ve doubled the number of people that come in through the airport. Only Pensacola has more visitations than we do now."
For example, St. Louis is a 10- to-12-hour drive from PCB, but it’s only a 1.5-hour flight and a 17 minute drive to Nautilus Cove.
Opening in March 2013 - 1 mile west on PCB Pky
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Why haven't we gotten rid of Concord Mis-Management!
I would also point out that just prior to our Owners getting the 2nd member on the Board (ie: Turnover) the Developer controlled Board gave Concord this 3 year contract when all prior such contracts had been for one year. At this Board meeting they also gave to the Developer prime office space in our Clubhouse with no requirement they pay anything for upkeep.
We really got screwed by the Developer and Concord. We are stuck with the Developer but we can sure get rid of Concord!
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What do you think of Concord Management? |
Drop by these blog sites for more information on Concord Mis-Management:
In terms of size, Concord is insignificant in the property management area. A firm that had put in a 24 page plan for managing our community was international and manages over one million units. Until I approached them for information they had never heard of Concord. You can see their 2 year old proposal at the below direct link. This firm or a similar professional firm should be managing our condo. See their proposal at: also see:
Here is additional information FYI:
Did you ever wonder why we are a condo? I have and I still don't know what happened as this was always intended to be a apartment rental community and various loans were taken out on that basis.
Somewhere along the line the developer decided to make the complex into a condominium, however, with the lack of sales and with 56 unsold units remaining the developer seems to have gone back to the idea of being an apartment complex and is renting out those unsold units and now 112 Owners find themselves owning units in a low income housing complex. Welcome to Nautilus Cove Apartments! Details at:
Concord has NEVER had the best interests of the Owners in mind. As long as Concord is the management firm for Nautilus Cove we are still under the control of the developer.
I hope that in the next NCC election we will end up with 2 Owners on the BOD who will make sure that the contract with Concord Mis-Management will not be renewed in October of 2013.
It is time for us to have a decent management firm running this complex and not one that is an in house shill for the developer.
Monday, November 5, 2012
#515 sells for 43% of original price
Unit #515, the former Sgt. Scott Hupp, 2/2 condo, has been sold by Ginnie Mae to Tedd T. Wilson for $65,000. The original sale to Sgt Hupp was 5/9/07 for $149,900. Taxes are $674 yearly for the unit. Mr. Wilson already owns 2 Bay County properties. The unit had previously gone to closing but that buyer found it impossible to get loan approval.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
NCC has 175+ books available for residents -
NCC has a lending library and the books are located in the Clubhouse, no library cards needed, there are no time limits on items you borrow.
Thanks to several donations there are approx 175 books at present, both paperback and hardbound. Most are once read items.
Thanks to several donations there are approx 175 books at present, both paperback and hardbound. Most are once read items.
An underused 'message board' for Nautilus Cove is available at this click on link - read old posts and leave your comments: and also an older site at:
Also NCC is reviewed on this site:
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