Where are NCC Owners from:
FL 71, GA 11, TN 7, AL 5, OH 3, NV 2, LA 2 and 1 each from: MN, NE, NJ, MO, MI, CO, VA, CA, MS, KY, Unk
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This site was set up in May 2007 and it has 300 posts. See 170 photos at: http://nautiluscondo.blogspot.com The 'search' bar at the top left of the site works quite well. If you want info on topic or a unit just put the term or number (ie: 708, 1401 etc) into the box and hit search and all the threads about the topic or unit will appear. I am a 'former owner' of 708, sold my unit back to the developer for a 65K loss and I was glad to be out of there. Contact: harris2018@aol.com