So here is a question for Owners - Which of our BOD members works for Concord Management, Ltd?

B) Troncale,
C) Knight
About 16 months ago I asked the person, via the office, to provide information as to what their job was with Concord and what they got paid.
The person sent back the word that they declined to provide this information. Here is what page 9 of the 10 page Management Contract has to say about it:
So which of our Board members do you think works for Concord (ie: the 'manager' above')?
C) Norman Knight, the developers representative on our BOD also works for Concord Management, Ltd and the information comes from their own Management Agreement.
This week 88 Owners received the below post card, shown below with text on back. The information points out that Concord Management is part of a 4 firm 'Team' that builds, rents, sells and manages properties like ours and it further points out that in my opinion we need to get a new management firm, one that works for the Owners here at NCC and not for the developer or their 'Team'.
Concord Management takes far to much of their time in renting out and managing the developers 56 unsold condos and not enough time tending to our Association business. We are in effect paying for Concord to work for the developer.
Don't take my word for all this look at the management agreement of Oct 4, 2010 posted on this blog site at:
or the Atlantic Housing site at:

During the term of the next Board of Directors in 2013, the Concord Management Contract will be up for renewal or a new management firm could be chosen. Owners here might recall that such contracts were year to year until the Developer controlled Board had a last minute outgoing BOD meeting 10/4/10 and gave a 3 year contract to Concord Management Ltd.
It is very important that when the Concord contract is up that we hire a better firm, one that is not part of the 4 member 'Team' of the Developer.
We need a management company that will represent the Owners and not continue to be in the hip pocket of the Developer.
If you have complaints about Concord you should let the current BOD know about them. When choosing the next Board you should be sure to vote for those 2 Owners who will promise to change Management firms.