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Special BOD Meeting Held On 2/9/12
At 5:30 p.m. on Thursday Feb 9, 2012 a Special BOD Meeting was held. Full details are found at:
Two of the
major items were:
1) Enough authorizations from Owners are on file so as to be able to remove MDU cable service and a cancellation notice is to be sent. A Knology contract will be looked at by our attorney and if it meets our approval it will take 30-60 days to have cable installation done. Knology will also be offering bundles of Cable/Internet/phone service. A special introductory rate with Knology has been arranged. Within 24 months it is expected that all satellite dishes will be removed.
2) Starting March 1st the pool deck will be open year around. Hours will be from 9 AM to 10 PM during October to April and during May to September, the closing hour will be extended to 11 PM.
Another half dozen items are addressed on Mrs. Simmons above cited blog. I am sure that our long term Owners are very pleased to know that after many years of indifference and inaction, that Nautilus Cove now has an Owner controlled Board which is taking in hand things that have been ignored.
I hope that we will also find that in months to come we will be rid of Concord Management and we will have better legal representation that is now provided by the Hess/Applebaum firm.
1) Enough authorizations from Owners are on file so as to be able to remove MDU cable service and a cancellation notice is to be sent. A Knology contract will be looked at by our attorney and if it meets our approval it will take 30-60 days to have cable installation done. Knology will also be offering bundles of Cable/Internet/phone service. A special introductory rate with Knology has been arranged. Within 24 months it is expected that all satellite dishes will be removed.
2) Starting March 1st the pool deck will be open year around. Hours will be from 9 AM to 10 PM during October to April and during May to September, the closing hour will be extended to 11 PM.
Another half dozen items are addressed on Mrs. Simmons above cited blog. I am sure that our long term Owners are very pleased to know that after many years of indifference and inaction, that Nautilus Cove now has an Owner controlled Board which is taking in hand things that have been ignored.
I hope that we will also find that in months to come we will be rid of Concord Management and we will have better legal representation that is now provided by the Hess/Applebaum firm.