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Thursday, September 29, 2011

How responsive is your BOD/Management Company?

Here is the result of six months of inquiries as to the costs involved in only the 2nd suit that I know of* against the BOD. Asking questions of the BOD is usually a waste of time. After five months I sent off a certified letter which forces the BOD to furnish a reply within 30 days.

If you have a serious question for the Board probably the only way you will get a reply is if you send it via certified mail, this is limited to one question every 30 days.

So the answer on costs to the Owners for the 3 year suit is $10,644.50. This could have been avoided if the various BOD's over this period had simply enforced the documents regarding the rentals of condos at NCC.

Case Details at:

* The other suit was handled by our insurance company at no direct cost to us. It involved the theft of 2 expensive motorcycles here, from 2 seperate owners, during a time that the front gate and cameras were not working.  The suit resulted in an unpublished settlement by the insurance company.