1/23/14 Update: Sale Cancelled by Court!
#104 sold at auction for $37,800

Formerly belonging to Roberta Jones. As is typical in such cases mortgage holder will bid against anyone by offering slightly more than what was bid so as to retain the unit and put it up for sale, usually such units go for about half the original purchase price.
The unit is a 4/3 ground floor and was sold originally to Ms. Jones on 12/12/06 for $184,900. Taxes on such units are usually $930 with no homestead exemption and $506 with an exemption.
Auction Sold - 01/16/2014 11:25 AM CT
Amount - $37,800.00
Sold To - Plaintiff
Case #: 13000418CA - Final Judgment Amount: $149,362.61
Parcel ID: 40000-100-004 - Property Address: 13700 PC BCH PKWY 104
Assessed Value: $84,150.00
Plaintiff Max Bid: Hidden
Case Number: 13000418CA Case ID: 2594628 End Date: 01/16/2014 12:25:00 PM
Proxy Bidder ID Bidder Name Bid Info Bid Date/Time
6245 Idania Carpio $37,700.00 01/16/2014 11:07:06 AM
Auction Bidder ID Bidder Name Bid Info Bid Date/Time
Opening Bid $0.00 01/16/2014 12:23:01 PM
Plaintiff winning bid $37,800.00
Auction Closed 01/16/2014 12:25:00:00 PM
The final bid was made by Plaintiff : GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC,
In the total amount of: $37,800.00