Considerable info is available on the #306 unit, just enter 306 in the search bar on this site and you will bring up older posts on the condo.
JOPC, LLC, is actually the limited liability corporation established 8/29/12 by Jeffrey J. Osterhout of PCB and Paula J. Coffey of Galveston, Tx. The unit was sold at auction for past NCC dues on 4/10/12 for $14,300 and the outstanding dues of $9,325.94 were paid out of this auction price. The unit was purchased by Osterhout then transferred to his LLC.
On 5/29/13 a Bay County Tax Certificate was sold to cover $1,033.35 in unpaid 2012 county taxes. HSBC still holds the first mortgage on this unit and eventually the unit will revert to them.
On 5/29/13 a Bay County Tax Certificate was sold to cover $1,033.35 in unpaid 2012 county taxes. HSBC still holds the first mortgage on this unit and eventually the unit will revert to them.