I see that 2010 Estimated Ending costs for Legal/Accounting is set at $19,393 which is $9,393 higher than originally budgeted for 2010. I suspect that this large overage is due to the Association expenditure on a needless suit which has been engaged in by the Condo BOD for over 2 1/2 years where I am suing for the BODs refusal to enforce Condo rules against Waterstone Resort Realty LLC. This suit was offered for settlement twice this year, there was no reply to the first offer 7 months ago (Waterstone did settle their 1/2 of the case 5/28/2010 ). The matter is still in the courts and still available for the same settlement of $6,500 and an assurance from the BOD that condo Rules and Regulations regarding the rental of condos will be enforced. IE: The Owners here are paying part of their dues due to the stupidity of the Board of Directors in not enforcing the documents initially and their continued refusal to end the matter.