Misc Developer Info FYI:
Back in October 2008 the developer mortgaged units in 2 of their developments, one being 60 units they then owned at NCC, the amount obtained was $9,981,749.05.
On 8/27/14 Fifth Third Bank filed a 'Release of Mortgage' with Bay County Clerk. It is easier to make a bulk sale if there is no pesky mortgage on the property.
See updated Condo Newsletters at: http://nautiluscondosrules.blogspot.com/2011/09/blog-post.html
8/25/14 MORE ON #401
The very checkered history of #401 can be found below. Only the 1st of 4 pages of the 8/25 filing is shown. It will go to auction at 11 a.m. Oct 9, 2014. For more info on this unit just put into the white search bar at the top left '401' and you will get everything ever written about this unit.
Moved up blog from 7/9/13
Condo Assn gets Eviction for #401
NCC temporarily recovers #401 from tenant Tykessia Patrick and daughter, who refuses to pay rent, claiming the unit is in poor repair*. #401 is one of the units that NCC foreclosed on for the owner (in this case John Thomas) not paying assn. dues. It went to NCC 7/16/12 and was rented to Tykessia Patrick who stopped paying rent. Now the Court has granted a 'Final Judgment of Eviction'.
However, NCC has been filed on by HSCB to recover this unit as they are the first mortgage holder and they will eventually be awarded full title to the unit.
See more info on 401 at the 2/27/13 post 'HSBC Has filed suit against NCC to recover their unit #401' Direct link: http://nautiluscondosrules.blogspot.com/search?q=401
* From an Email to blog owner from Patrick: "First of all you don't know shit, my apartment is ragged as hell, sink leaks and my daughter slipped and fell, constant plumbing problem and my air was broken for a month. So Damn right I didn't pay and I'm going to sue."

Mugshots.com ID: 5947126
Age: 24
Race: Black
Gender: Female
Also see post of June 25 on evictions, direct link at: http://nautiluscondosrules.blogspot.com/2013/06/another-developer-eviction-filed.html