CS Sunbiz, LLC, is our current Registered Agent. This is a 2 lawyer firm consisting of Kerey Carpenter and Sarah Schwemin, the latter a former employee of CED Concord. The developer tossed the account to one of their former employees. Nothing like keeping things in the family.

The Florida Division of Corporations requires that all Florida corporations designate a registered agent for service of process. Registered agents primary duties include receiving service of process when a business entity is a party in a legal action, receiving government notices and other official documents on behalf of the corporation, providing an office address, and acting as a local mailing contact with the Secretary of State and other regulatory agencies.
The Registered Agent also forwards tax notices, file state reports and other communications, when applicable. In most cases, anyone who has a street address within Florida may act as a registered agent for a Florida corporations.
The Registered Agent also forwards tax notices, file state reports and other communications, when applicable. In most cases, anyone who has a street address within Florida may act as a registered agent for a Florida corporations.