Concord Management* is 'back again', you may recall that they were here for 6 weeks, having replaced Seagrove, but were quickly ousted with the "Emergency" BOD meeting that no one will talk about, do you remember that one?
The meeting lasted 2 minutes and only 2 Directors voted and then by phone in the Seagrove office. Well, now Seagrove the-useless-management-company-on-the-beach, is out as of July 1, 2008 and Concord is back with a manager, Kay Dobbins. The reason for the abrupt change is not officially disclosed, but you can see my speculation later in this blog.
Also an appointed BOD member to replace Ms. Jones is named as Leonard J. DiGiacomo, owner of unit 616 for the last year. Email him at:
So is this a 'good' change or just more BS from a management company? Too soon to tell, in the 6 weeks of their last tenure I didn't notice anything get done, and in fact I don't think they had a F.T. CAM on the property. In any event, they probably would have to try real hard to be as crappy as Seagrove was, so perhaps it will be a positive change???
* Concord Management, Ltd.
Headquarters: 1551 Sandspur Road Maitland, FL 32751
Industry: Real Estate - Revenue: $19.6 Million
Number of employees: 1350
Primary Business: Property Management
Concord Management, Ltd. is a national company they manage over 140 low end housing development communities. Concord is an owner-managed multi-family property management company. They operate in Florida, Georgia, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois and Tennessee.
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