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2013 Proposed Budget
Nautilus Cove Condominium Association
UNAPPROVED Minutes of Regular Board Meeting
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Date: November 10, 2012 Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Woodlawn United Methodist Church, 219 Alf Coleman Road, Panama City Beach, FL 32407
In attendance: Barbara Simmons, Len DiGiacomo, George Simmons, Joe Vanderwerff, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Holloway, Phillip Staggs, Nancy Davis, Ted Wilson, JoAnn Stone, Mark Aldrich, David Knight, David Rowland, Roxanne Turnipseed and Norman Knight, via conference phone. Concord Regional Manager Ken Furtaw was also in attendance.
10:00 a.m. – Meeting called to order. Proof of notice given.
The Board accepted the resignation of Vice President Edee Troncale, who has sold her unit at Nautilus Cove. The Board appointed Len DiGiacomo to fill the vacant position for the remainder of the term. He had received the third-most votes in last Board election. Mr. DiGiacomo accepted the position and will serve as Vice President.
The Board approved the minutes for the previous meetings, and they were put into record.
A financial report was given, and Secretary-Treasurer Norman Knight stated the budget was in excellent shape and on-target. Ken Furtaw expanded on the budget, stating expenses are within budget for the year, and collection of delinquent dues is going very well. A delinquency report was given, and a report on the income from the units to which the HOA holds title and has rented out.
Mark Aldrich of the Fine Committee reported that five or six notices were sent to owners and residents. He advised a first notice is sent to allow the owner or resident to correct the problem before a second notice and fine are issued. Len DiGiacomo resigned from the Fine Committee, as he has been appointed to serve as Vice President of the Board. The committee will seek a new member, and Mr. DiGiacomo’s resignation from the committee was accepted.
George Simmons gave the Landscaping Committee report, stating that another Community Work Day will be planned in the future. The work days save the Association money and allow residents and owners to participate in beautification of the property. He also stated there are some wonderful children on the property as well. President Barbara Simmons stated she encourages everyone to participate in Community Work Days, even the children.
Mr. Simmons also asked to go on record stating that he loves living at Nautilus Cove, and chose it as his home. He asked that if owners have something negative to say or an issue, that they bring it to the Board instead of spreading the negatives. President Barbara Simmons added that Nautilus has lost a lot of sales to good owners because of the negatives that have put out there, and stated Nautilus has added a new owner because they spoke to her about what it is really like to live at Nautilus Cove, and then decided to purchase the unit.
In old business, President Simmons said the estimates for the pedestrian gate at the back of the property need to be re-bid once the Board has established more specific parameters. Mr. Staggs made several suggestions concerning the gates, and the Board voted to move forward with a mechanical punch code form of the gate.
President Simmons stated the changes and clarifications in the Association’s Bylaws and Rules and Regulations are being completed. Vice President DiGiacomo said he has read and agrees with the revisions. Secretary-Treasurer Knight advised the Board should provide the final revisions to the attorney to format and review for owner voting. President Simmons stated the changes are clarifying and improving the documents for the betterment of the community.
Giving an update on potential security system improvements, President Simmons stated the estimate to run cable to areas where cameras might be needed was $12,000-18,000 and stated this was not a feasible project at this time.
Also in unfinished business, the Board discussed a question that had been raised about the AUM utility metering and billing service. Concord Regional Manager Ken Furtaw discussed the issue and explained that Nautilus Cove pays the amount that is billed from the water department. He will be providing copies of the checks paid to the water department, along with the billing history. The Board also has a copy of the billing history, which matches the totals in the budget comparison of the totals paid. Mr. Furtaw stated Concord has a corporate account with AUM to serve as its utility department. Any expense Concord incurs with AUM is factored into the lump-sum contract management fee, and is not broken out as additional expense for the Association. Mr. Staggs stated that his understanding is this is not a direct cost to Nautilus Cove. Mr. Furtaw stated that was correct. Secretary-Treasurer Knight stated only the municipal cost of the water bill was what was paid by the Association. He stated there is one meter for the property, and the billing is distributed as common expense.
President Simmons stated she has advised Concord to have the utility bills paid directly from this point forward. She stated the problem has been identified, and it will be solved. Vice President DiGiacomo agreed.
Pool bids were received and discussed for the resurfacing and repainting of the pool. The bids all seemed high, and the Board will be seeking other avenues for the project. Mr. Furtaw said he would also reach out to Concord to get better bids from some of its contractors for the Association.
President Simmons stated that in October 2013, the current management contract expires, and she will be researching all options to determine the best solution at the least expense for the owners. She also stated that she has nothing but praise for the current company, but owes it to the owners to research all options, including in-house property management. She said the Board will weigh the pros and cons to all alternatives. Secretary-Treasurer Knight stated the developer retains 56 units, and has the same interest as individual owners. Mr. DiGiacomo agreed that the Association should look at all alternatives. Secretary-Treasurer Knight said he believes Concord will "stand tall" in the process. He also stated that the developer and Concord are separate entities.
Moving on to other business, President Simmons stated that two of the delinquent units are in the sales process, and when sold should net the Association about $9,500 in delinquent dues and fees. She stated that unit 105 has been liened, and has an owner occupant who has not done anything to clear up his delinquent account. The Board agreed a letter should be issued to the owner to establish a payment plan, with the understanding that if the payment plan is not followed, the Association will move for foreclosure of the unit.
The Board asked for additional bids on two stenner pumps needed in the pool, as only one was received. The Board approved the repair of the pool fountain lights at the current bid of $1,000.
In discussion of the use of the clubhouse office currently used by Pelican Real Estate, and reserved for the developer’s use, President Simmons said the Association would like to use the office, but is not sure that anything can be done regarding this issue. Secretary-Treasurer Knight said he would ask the developer if the Association can use the office, and if he would be willing to relinquish control of the office. President Simmons said she would prefer not having to involve an attorney, and would like to come to some agreement on this issue.
Vice President DiGiacomo stated the Board needs to look into removing the unused satellite dishes. The Board will ask owners and residents to identify the satellite dishes that are currently in use by marking, or having them marked, with a sticker. The Association will then begin removal of the unused satellite dishes which have been left on the property.
He also re-opened a discussion of eliminating the codes at the gate, and having owners and residents use the pass cards, remotes or have visitors call them from the gate. The Board agreed it likes the idea of a more secure gate. It was also suggested one code could be issued across the board, and could be changed every month for added security. The Board decided to poll unit owners for opinions before making a decision.
11:24 a.m. – Meeting adjourned.
Nautilus Cove Condominium Association
Minutes of Regular Board Meeting Saturday, September 22, 2012
Date: September 22, 2012 Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Clubhouse, 13700 Panama City Beach Parkway, Panama City Beach 32407
In attendance: Barbara Simmons, Edee Troncale, Len DiGiacomo, George Simmons, Joe Vanderwerff, Roxanne Turnipseed and Norman Knight, via conference phone.
10:02 a.m. – Meeting called to order and proof of meeting notice given.
The unapproved minutes from the August meeting were approved.
Secretary/Treasurer Norman Knight reported on the financial status of the Association, stating that income is ahead year-to-date, primarily due to the efforts in collecting delinquent dues. He stated the Association may be able to reduce the Association dues in the future if the current financial improvement continues. He said he would investigate the insurance increase over budget and report back to the Board.
Reports were given on estimate for snake/rat treatments; car decals; visitor tags; estimates to repair the pool fountain lights and underwater lights; replacement of the side gate; replacement of the basketball goal; and installation of coaxial cable for additional security cameras.
The Board decided to have “Snake Away” ready and to put it in areas having issues with snakes. The Board also decided to purchase a “mid-line” basketball goal when funds become available, as well as parking decals for owners and residents. The Board also agreed to require Visitor Passes for visitors who will be on the property more than three days. The Board agreed more specific parameters were needed for the pedestrian gate, and the companies will be asked to rebid on those specifics. A request has been made to Knology to provide an estimate for wiring cable for additional security cameras.
President Barbara Simmons stated the Rules and Regulations are still under revision and should go out to owners by the end of the year.
Norman Knight will investigate the agreement with the developer that allows Pelican Realty to use an office in the clubhouse.
Two Halloween events are planned: an adult party Oct. 27, and a children’s trick or treating party on Oct. 31. Everyone was asked to donate a bag of candy for the children’s event, and baked goods for both events.
Norman Knight applauded the efficiency of the Board in conducting business at the meeting.
Len DiGiacomo suggested eliminating the gate codes, and just having residents/owners use the gate cards.
10:45 a.m. – Meeting adjourned.
Hats off!! We are ahead year to date on income from collections!! This is great news!
There are some in foreclosure and the HOA holds titles to five of these. They are being rented until the banks foreclose on these properties. We are getting back some of the delinquent Association dues on these units.
Buildings 1, 2, 4 have had some roof leaks that cost approximately $300.00 in total for repairs.
Cigarette container is now at the fountain (now a garden sitting area) to stop people from leaving their butts behind.
Damaged front gate repair is $1,200 but the insurance of the person who caused the damage has paid for the repair.
Information on the dishwasher recall has been distributed to all owners, who can choose to replace or repair.
The lien process has started for units 105 and 306 for delinquency*.
Members Mark Aldrich, Len DiGiacomo, Jamie Webber have nothing to report at this time. Several first notices have been issued.
George Simmon, Jeff Ferren, Linda Sexton are the committee. Community Work Days are Friday, Oct. 12, and Saturday, Oct. 13, beginning at 9 a.m. Anyone interested in helping should meet at the clubhouse. Everyone is welcome at Community Work Days! Bring work gloves.
In addressing the snake issue, a product costing around $13.68 per container was suggestion. This was purchased and will be put out in specific areas when needed.
On the topic of upgrading the basketball goal, three bids were received, and the Board agreed to purchase one at $289 when funds are available. The current goal is attached to the curb and the Board wants to avoid any injuries.
Parking Stickers are now required for Nautilus Cove owners and residents, and can be picked up in the office. Each owner will be issued two decals, as needed. Additional decals are $3.00 each. There will also be visitor passes available for those who are on property for three days or longer.
Once the program is fully implemented, vehicles without decals or guest passes may be towed from the property at the owner's expense.
The revisions of the Bylaws is almost complete, and will be distributed to owners in coming months.
Security System: The Board has determined a security camera is needed at the trash compactor! Charge for garbage left outside the compactor is $60.00 per bag and garbage is being opened to determine who left the bag(s).
Security at side gate: Three bids are being received and considered to make the pedestrian gate smaller and more secure.
Pool security cameras will be rearranged to allow more coverage of the area.
Cigarette butts found outside of units will prompt fines! Please make sure these are picked up.
The Board is looking into the use of a clubhouse office by Pelican Real Estate, and determining if it can be used at no charge. There is an ongoing discussion about charging for use of that office.
There will not be a Board meeting in October.
An adult Halloween party is being planned for October 27, in the clubhouse. Costumes are a must. Come and join us for some spooky fun!
On October 31, at 6 p.m. a Halloween party will be held in the clubhouse for children of all ages! Candy, fun and gobblens!
Happy Halloween, and we hope to see you there!
Note from Blog Author:
* 105 is David Turner and 306 is Jeffrey Osterhout

Note: The below BOD letter runs 5 pages, 2,391 words and reading time is approx. 10 minutes. It has been put in this section as it is to long to drop into the blog otherwise.
1) We do not have a Home Owners Association we have a Condominium Association. Our Declaration of Condominium specifies in several places that: "The operation of the Condominium shall be by Nautilus Cove Condominium Association, Inc., A Florida Corporation, not-for-profit".
2) Additional extensive details about 'Fines' can be found at the DOC page 37. It is not a simple procedure as the BOD may levy a fine but if a 'hearing committee' does not agree with the fine, then the fine may not be levied. Residents have a right to 'due process', so look it up FYI.
May 30, 2012
To: Nautilus Cove Owners
From: Barbara E. Simmons, President Home Owners Association
Re: Condominium Documents, By-Laws and Rules and Regulations
As your new President of the Home Owners Association, I have now had an opportunity to “get my hands dirty” discovering conflicts and issues that are facing our Resort, I have compiled this letter for owner- review and to get a “straw poll” through owner comments regarding issues that are at the forefront of our condominium.
Please know that several of the issues mentioned have really gotten out of hand. We have diligently attempted to correct violations of owners and tenants with little success; it is our feeling that these fines will encourage everyone to understand that these rules are to be followed by everyone whether owner or tenant, though finally, it is the owner who is responsible for compliance and that is why fines revert back to the owner. Remember, we are all in this adventure together! With the continuing stagnant market conditions, drop in property values and the resulting financial woes means we need to be prudent about our choices while still maintaining (and improving) our resort. All of the suggested improvements are, of course, subject to our budget restrictions and would not be implemented unless financially feasible. This document has been reviewed by the HOA attorney who indicates all actions are under the guidelines of the Board’s authority.
To bring Owners up-to-date, I have itemized current issues, including fines that will now be imposed, should violations not be corrected. Note that should your unit be tenant occupied, it is your responsibility to advise your tenants of all rules and regulations, as, ultimately, the fines that should be incurred will revert back to the owner. Our intent is not to punish, but to keep your property in as good a condition as when originally purchased.
Therefore, in an effort to put us back on track regarding fines, and under the powers given to The Board of Directors, we hereby give all notification than fines shall be implemented.
Violations and Fines -
OWNERS are held responsible for adherence to all Condominium Documents, By-Laws, and The Rules and Regulations at all times whether owner or tenant occupied.
Notification of a first violation will be in the form of written notice to the occupant and/or owner.
If not corrected within 24 hours, a fine shall be imposed to the owner of $100. Any further violations shall be an additional $100 up to a maximum of $1000.
It will be at Owners prerogative to charge this fine back to a unit that is tenant-occupied at owner discretion.
This rule reaffirms that no satellite dishes are allowed on property as stated previously. KNOLOGY CABLE is currently re-installing the cable to each building and projects service will be complete by July. It is to the occupants’ advantage to cancel any “completed” satellite contracts and sign up for Knology Service as soon as installation of this new service is completed.
ü THEREFORE, under the powers given to The Board of Directors, all satellite dishes shall be removed within 24 months of the completed installation of the Knology Cable System.
Over the past several years, OUR LANDSCAPING has deteriorated horribly (with the new Bay Landscaping Contract finalized we should begin to see amazing results). To let all owners know, I took the responsibility very seriously and walked the grounds with each potential vendor. They were all aware of the same criteria and specifications we were looking for; a place that shows pride of ownership that is safe for its residents. Bay Landscaping came in with the lowest bid and has a high sense of values. I look forward to sending photos out as we progress.
THE LANDSCAPING is in serious deterioration in the COMMON PARK AREA (see photos in attached document). Children are unsupervised and have been playing games and baseball here. They also have lots of fun digging in what is no longer grass, but a sand pit. The Board has now designated a Children’s Park Area that has been fenced in at the front of the complex, near the Maintenance Shed for the Children. Our goal is to place some picnic tables and a sand box there, also. It is large enough for kids activities there, instead of the Common Park Area. Several solutions for the Common Park Area are possible; one might be a volley ball park (this change would require owner approval). Other options that are being considered are to re-grade the park area to a level field and replant with a sturdier grass. Some other options are to restrict use of the park for croquet or bocce ball, both less destructive than what is currently being used for. Here is where the “straw poll” comes into play! Your opinions are valued and appreciated. I remember when my husband and I bought here; we so enjoyed looking out our window and viewing the lovely lawn area. Now it is simply an eye-sore. If the use of the park as a volley ball field is not appealing, please, let me hear your suggestions.
USE RESTRICTIONS - Reference 12.2- Minors:
There continues to be serious violations of children who are not closely supervised within the condominium common grounds. We are particularly distressed regarding the lack of adult supervision for children who sit “on the curb” at the front entrance waiting for school bus transportation. Rarely are these children accompanied by an adult at the entrance, or in the common park areas where they play baseball and dig up the grounds. THE USE OF SKATEBOARDS, TRICYCLES, BIKES, SKOOTERS AND SKATES ON SIDEWALKS has also become a safety problem. There is no supervision by adults here, either. (Fines apply)
ü THEREFORE, under the powers given to The Board of Directors, we hereby notify all owners and/or tenants that The Association will be held harmless should any child be insured, or death occur from negligence, due to this dangerous situation. As noted above in 12.2, children are to be closely supervised at all times. We further recommend that parents form a committee to monitor and protect their children at all times.
COMMON PORCH AREAS/CHAIRS & PLANTS - This has been an issue from the very beginning. Originally, though documents forbade anything on porches, there was a common consensus of owners and occupants of a desire to express their own personalities for the porches. Ignoring rules, different styles of chairs and various plants began to appear; some plants were not cared for, chairs were left outside all the time, and the varieties of chairs gave the overall look of the property a haphazard appearance. Efforts were made to have the owners/tenants remove them, and of course, animosity grew. Trying to understand this need, yet retain some conformity within the area, The Board has recently agreed that each unit be allowed to have one (1) chair per unit and one (1) ceramic/plaster or concrete “urn” with plantings in it per unit also. Both chairs permitted can be purchased through the Clubhouse office for a little less than if they were purchased from the store directly. Purchasing the chairs through the office was to maintain the same color and style and it will be a choice of either the Adirondack style or an Upright chair (for those with back issues). The Adirondack is more difficult to get out of for some people. The cost of chairs is $20 each. Personally, our resort looks quite nice with these additions and all but one owner is in compliance. (See Violations and Fines)
Rules & Regulations-A.13 specifies the use of ADDITIONAL BARBECUE GRILLS on property. It states that grills are allowed only in areas designated as safe and appropriate by the Board of Directors of the Association. Further, it states that no flammable, combustible or explosive fluids, chemicals or other substances shall be kept in any Unit or on the Common Elements, except as are normally used for small barbecues or for normal household purposes. Clarification is as follows -
ü NO CHARCOAL OR ELECTRIC GRILLS PERMITTED due to possible safety hazards.
ü Includes “no offensive” use of any unit or common elements; this would apply to units that have unauthorized chair styles/colors, wreaths and door ornaments displayed outside of appropriate holiday season (2 weeks before and 2 weeks after holiday), leave trash and/or trash bags outside their units for more than one-hour (a reasonable time period to take trash to the proper location). It would also apply to occupants throwing trash (food containers, bottles, cans, candy wrappers AND cigarette and cigar butts) outside units that are on common elements. (Fines apply)
COMMON PORCH AREAS/GRASS have small “grass areas” between units and sidewalks and the “DOGGIE WASTE DROP AREAS” have become an eyesore; the areas fail to grow grass, are difficult to water without interfering with porch access, and have generally taken on a similar appearance to the common park area discussed above. After conferring with the new landscaping company, it has been recommended that these areas be replaced with either pavers or a concrete slab. This will eliminate lawn maintenance time and costs, increase curb appeal and give occupants a larger “Porch” area. Cost estimates have been requested for upgrading on a by-unit basis of 8 or 16 unit buildings. And, again, this would only be implemented when budget permits. (See photo page)
Article 10: To bring our records current, all owners are asked to please furnish the Association with a copy of the deed and closing statement, or other document, showing ownership if this has not been done previously. The Association shall maintain this information through the Property Manager to assure proper notifications of meetings and events that may occur. If owners are willing to furnish email addresses, this will be helpful in reducing mailing costs for notification purposes, also.
It is further maintained that this information will be kept confidential and only distributed among Property Manager and Board Members.
Reference 12.3 – Pets:
This section has been a part of the condo docs since its inception. Under the powers given to The Board, all owners and/or tenants shall abide by Section 12.3 to the fullest measure. There shall be no exceptions, other than where the law prevails for medically required dog assistants. (Fines Apply)
Reference 12.4 – Nuisance (Pets):
Section 12.4 has been a part of the condo docs since its inception. Under the powers given to The Board, all owners and/or tenants shall abide by Section 12.4 to the fullest measure. There shall be no exceptions. Therefore, the Board of Directors, notifies ALL OCCUPANTS that they shall be held responsible for adherance to Section 12.4 at all times.
ü THEREFORE, under the powers given to The Board of Directors, we hereby notify all owners any pet that becomes a nuisance in any manner, including but not limited to endangering other unit occupants shall be given written notice by the to perminently remove such pet within 24 hours. This pet will not be permitted back on property after that time. (Fines Apply)
Reference 12.4 – Nuisance (Owner and/or Tenant):
ü Section 12.4 has been a part of the condo docs since its inception. Under the powers given to The Board, all owners and/or tenants shall abide by Section 12.4 to the fullest measure. There will be a common sense attitude of respect regarding neighbors, using the theme of “Do unto Others as You Would Want Done unto You.” There shall be no exceptions. (Fines Apply)
No boats, trucks, commercial vehicles, trailers, recreational vehicles or other motor vehicles, except four-wheel passenger autobobiles, sport utility vehicles or vans and passenger pick-up trucks, as determined by the Board, shall be placed, parked or stored in the Common Elements for a period of more than four hours unless such vehicle is necessary in the actual construction or repair of a structure or for ground maintenance…
ü Section 12.5 is very specific regarding what vehicles are allowed on the premises and shall be enforced to the fullest degree.
This RR-A.10 requires all Unit Owners to provide the Association with an entry key to their unit pursuant to its statutory right to access a unit. Such keys are restricted in the interest of security and duplication only with the assistance of the manager.
ü THEREFORE, under the powers given to The Board of Directors, we hereby notify ALL OWNERS to furnish an updated entry key to their unit within the next 30 days from July 1, 2012.
RR-A.18 specifies that nothing will be done or kept in any Unit or in the Common Elements that will increase the rate of insurance on the Building or contents of the Building without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors. No Owner will permit anything to be done or kept in the Building or the contents of the Building, or that would be in violation of any law, ordinance, and regulation or building code. (Fines Apply)
Thank you all, for taking the time to review this document and I look forward to your responses as we begin restoring our resort to where it was when we originally purchased.
It has been a joy to represent our resort owners over the past 6 months. With everyone’s cooperation we can maintain and improve our property. I am always available to discuss any issues with any owner at any time. You may contact me directly at or by phone 850-272-0911.
Barbara E. Simmons
President, Nautilus Cove HOA
Barbara Simmons and Edie Troncale, Owners BOD Members
I was so pleased this evening with our first special called board meeting to acknowledge the plurality vote to remove MDU cable service. We will be sending a cancellation form to our attorney who will send it to MDU with a cover letter.
Other items covered in the meeting were –
The approval of a Knology contract. I have asked the attorney to peruse this contract prior to signature. Once signed, it will take approximately 30-60 days to have cable installation completed. Since our original condo documents called for NO SATELLITE installations on property, after 24 months all dishes should be removed and those owners can then subscribe to cable.
Many of those owners contracts have already been fulfilled and they are simply on a month to month basis; these owners can have their dishes removed as soon as Knology becomes available. I spoke to the Knology representative and asked that a "special" sign up with a reduced rate be implemented for the first 3 months for subscribers. So when you are ready to sign up, be sure to ask for this premium. Knology will also be offering bundles of Cable/Internet/phone service.
Since our community pool must meet the State regulations for health and safety of pool users (and the minimum chemicals used to maintain the pool during off-season months does meet those regulations) the pool will now be open year-round beginning in March of this year for deck use. Yes, the pool deck will be open year-round. Hours will be from 9am - 10pm during October - April and during May - September the closing hour will be extended to 11pm. Always remember that when using the pool or deck privileges that we should always be considerate of nearby units and use "quiet voices" when at the pool. A sign will be closed and posted as such, anytime the pool water is not in compliance. The sign will refer to State Health & Safety Regulations, so please honor this during the time periods this occurs. You can always advise me of the pool status if you feel the need. We will be testing the heating system to determine if it is still in working condition and then make a decision regarding possible heating it during some winter months at a later date.
The recent outbreak of cicada killer wasps on the property was also addressed. Based on a Board Certified Entomologist's advice, these wasps are a nuisance in sandy, non-turf-filled areas but normally do not bother people who do not bother them. They usually go away on their own within a few weeks. I recommended that we not treat the entire property with harsh chemicals since the wasps will go away shortly, though I did recommend that the mail kiosk and playground area be treated to give that little extra protection for our children.
The front gate has been repaired and a kick plate installed.
Roxanne Turnipseed reported:
That Mr. Ron Jones, broker of Pelican Realty may have some extra stones that he will give to the HOA from another site to replace those stones that are missing or damage. It’s always nice to get something at no cost.
Roxanne will be searching through the project warranty records to determine the color/style for the vinyl originally used on our units in order to match those that are damaged.
The new security camera has arrived and will be installed, hopefully for the March 1 pool opening.
Estimates from 5 landscaping firms are expected in shortly also.
Approved Budget/Organizational Meeting Minutes
Unofficial Minutes of the 1/14/12 AGM/BOD Meetings (these are my notes on those 2 meetings, the official minutes of the Board meeting starting at 10:50 are shown above)
BOD member Mr. Norman Knight called the AGM to order at in the clubhouse at 10:10 a.m. it ended at 10:40 a.m. and the Board Organizational Meeting started at once and lasted until 12:10 p.m. No quorum was present for the AGM, that missed by one unit, so if there had been anything requiring a vote that vote could not have taken place. Refreshments were available. In addition to Owners and CAM Roxanne Turnipseed, Mr. Ken Furtaw, the Regional Manager for Concord Management was present.
The comments of both meetings are combined as some of the issues were taken up in both and it is easier to lump them together.The ballots were counted and the Owners elected to the BOD are: Mrs. Barbara Simmons (802) and Ms. Edee Troncale (102), and Mr. Norman Knight remained the Developers representative on the Board. The Board chose themselves as the Officers of the Association with Mrs. Simmons taking the Presidents position, Ms. Troncale being elected as VP and Mr. Knight continuing as Secretary/Treasurer.
Ms. Troncale was not present for the meeting as she had to travel out of state for family business and she sent her regrets.
Roxanne Turnipseed, CAM, reported that only 2 pets remain in the Developers units and 4-5 pets remain in the Owners rented out units. In both cases the pets can not remain after the current leases expire.Mr. Theo Sexton, Owner #1404, complained about the bad drainage near his unit during heavy rains and the water coming from downspouts pooling and also washing away dirt/sand next to his unit. Mr. Sexton said that it was only a matter of time until this pooling of water flooded his unit. The CAM commented that raising the level of dirt by his building to drain water away from the building was not a budgeted item. The matter is to be looked into.
Mr. Harris #708, put in a plug for attendees to take away some books from the 200 +/- in the clubhouse’s donated library and pointed out that no library card was required and no fixed period was specified for their return. He also requested that anyone with extra books donate them to the library.
The voting totals for BOD candidates were:
Simmons, Barbara - 22
Troncale, Edee - 17
DiGiacomo, Len - 12
Sexton, Theo - 9
Clayton, Pamela - 2
Webber, Jaime - 1
19 units attended:
104 R Jones, 107 Holloway, 202 Hallaway, 207 Stoll, 503 Davis, 514 Vanderwerff, 604 Covington, 608 Morgan, 616 DiGiacomo, 703 White, 704 Perry, 708 Harris, 709 P Jones, 710 Covington, 712 Hooks, 801 Webber, 802 Simmons, 1401 Rowland, 1404 Sexton.
The dates for future BOD meetings were set at:
April 7, July 14, Oct. 13 and Jan. 12, 2013 - for the Annual General meeting with BOD meeting to follow.
The subject of publishing the Owners Delinquency List came up and it has been determined, with legal advice, that posting the list on the bulletin board was not appropirate, nor publishing it generally by the Association, however other Owners can ask for this information at the Office. (Note: I regularly publish the list on this blog site, 14 lists posted since 8/08, last one 2 mos. ago showing $121 k delinquent)
A major item for discussion was the pool:
1) Several Owners objected to having it locked during winter months and wanted the 1900 sq ft of deck space to be available for use year around.
2) Several Owners were unsatisfied with the summer hours and wanted the pool to open earlier and be locked later at night. An Owner commented that she got no use out of the pool as she was off to work early and at that time the pool was always closed.
The management company raised objections to pool changes:
1) The CAM said that the Health Code required the pool to continue to be serviced if it was open during winter and that cost $800 a month. An Owner made a suggestion to drain the pool and keep the deck open. Another Owner thought that this might lead to cracking of the pool. Another Owner said he would not want to live next to a drained pool.
2) The CAM said that a change in hours for opening would require the maintenance man to come in earlier to open the pool – did we want that? The Owner of #801 commented that the pool wasn’t even being opened as scheduled now and it was even found to be closed as late as 10 a.m.
3) The CAM also said that kids climbing over the locked gate had damaged it and when it was damaged that the pool was simply kept closed until it was repaired.
The pool issue was returned to several times with Owners being unhappy and the management firm being defensive. A comment made to the BOD that it was the Board that was in charge of the hours etc and not the management company. There was general dissatisfaction about the pool hours and closing the deck during winter.
No decision was made by the Board but moving some money around in the budget to allow funds for keeping up year around pool maintenance was to be looked at.
The CAM was asked by Mr. Harris about the current problems with the gate. The CAM said that repairs would be completed by 1/17/12. She said an exiting vehicle pulling a trailer did not clear the gate before it closed on the trailer and the gate was damaged. A further inquiry about cost brought the information that it was covered by insurance and that there was no deductible to worry about.
The BOD agreed that a ‘kick back’ device should be added to the gate at a cost of $639 so that a closing gate encountering an obstruction would just reverse direction and avoid damage to the gate.
A major issue of discussion was changing back to individual billing for water usage. Owners split on this about 50/50. BOD member Knight said that it ‘might’ require a vote by Owners to go to individual billing.
An Owner pointed out:
A) When American Utility Management was fired as utility billing company 3 years ago it should have been replaced by another such company, (Note: for AUM info see
B) No vote of Owners was held when the initial change from AUM was made,
C) When Owners purchased here the system in place was that each unit paid for the water they used and with the change all units pay exactly the same for water and that this was not equitable
The CAM said she had made inquiries about the amounts charged by the City of PCB to change to individual billing and was told that it would cost $40 a month for each unit, plus the costs of the water used.
Several Owners thought that this cost info was unreliable and not realistic. BOD Mrs. Simmons proposed a committee be formed to gather information on costs from the City, this was approved, but with only 2 people willing to serve on that committee the idea was tabled for now pending finding additional committee members.
Board member Mr. Knight spoke on behalf of the Developer who wanted Owners to know that the Management Company had been instructed to keep the Developers renters in compliance with our regulations and to take action against those who do not comply with the rules. Mr. Knight said it was easier for them to deal with renters in violation than it was to try to deal with Owners in violation.
In reply to a question it was stated that the Developer still has 56 unsold units and while they are for sale, that no sales were anticipated, due to the bad economy. Presently not all developer units are rented, one is being used as a model. All developer units pay the same $675 quarterly dues as other Owners do.
A long discussion took place about the Association having filed on 11 delinquent condo Owners, 9 of which had foreclosures already filed against them. The reasons for filing were cited as serious delinquencies, some as high as $10,000. Reasons that this was not needed were that we already had liens on the condos and in several cases were requiring tenants renting those Owner units pay their rents directly to the Association.
No decisions were called for and none were made, the situation was aired for the Owners information.
The BOD made a motion, which was carried, that in addition to the normal AGM/BOD meeting each year that 3 other Board meetings be held throughout the year and the dates announced for them are: April 7, July 14, October 13 and the AGM/BOD meeting for 1/12/13. Mr. Knight said that publishing the dates in advance would probably suffice to cover the requirement that such notice be published and posted 2 days before a Board meeting.
We are short in the number of forms turned in by Owners to allow Knology TV onto the property, we have only 62 authorizations and we need to have 85. Mr. Harris pointed out that DirecTv and Dish TV contracts were aggressively enforced by those firms and any cancellations of will result in dunning, reports to credit bureaus and even having the credit card used to open their accounts charged without the subscribers approval.
BOD Email addresses FYI
Barbara Simmons (Owner #802) is BOD President
Edee Troncale (Owner #102) is BOD VP
Norman Knight, Developer Appointed, is BOD Secty/Treasurer
May 12, 2011 BOD Minutes

Unofficial minutes of the 1/29/11 AGM/BOD meetings-
The 1/29/11 AGM and BOD meetings were held as scheduled in the clubhouse. Approx 15-18 people attended from 12 condos. Concord District Manager Ken Furtaw and Concords CAM Ms. Roxanne Turnipseed were present.
Owners or Representatives of the following units were present: 104, 207, 613, 514, 605, 608, 616, 708, 709, 803, 806 and 1401.
Serving BOD members attending were Norman Knight and Lenny DiGiacomo, missing was Jennifer Jones. Since only 2 Owners had applied for the 2 vacant Owner BOD positions both were eligible to serve. Mr. Bill Harris (me, this blogs author) addressed the gathering and declined to accept the Board position since he/I was still engaged in long standing litigation against the BOD for not enforcing the condo documents regarding renters and he felt it would not be correct to join a Board which he was in litigation against. He further stated that while the suit had been settled against co-Defendant Waterstone Resort Realty, that 2 recent overtures to the current BOD were simply ignored (ie: No reply from them), so the suit continues for the 3rd year. (see:
After some discussion as to a replacement various names were raised, both Mr. Turner, a candidate in the recent 'Turnover' Election and Jennifer Jones, who was the winner of that Turnover election 53 days ago were proposed and had Ms. Jones been in attendance she would have been the replacement for Mr. Harris. Comments were made that since she didn't bother to turn up that someone else should serve and that is what happened.
Dave Rowland from #1401 was finally selected and later he also became both the Assn. VP and head of the Landscape Committee.
A major topic of discussion was dog poop and the failure of residents to clean up after their pets. It was commented on by at least 5 people and the office said that if unit numbers could be determined that action would be taken. It was pointed out that our Rules and Regulations prohibit both tenants and guests from having 'pets' but Concord continues to rent out the developers 57 unsold condos advertising that dogs and cats were allowed. A secondary and similar issue, was cigarette butts and the lack of residents attention to keeping the grounds clean.
The garbage compactor and large red dumpster were commented on, particularly as to residents trying to put things into the compactor that should be put into the dumpster. It was noted by #104 that many times residents simply leave large items at the compactor rather than using the nearby dumpster. It was also suggested that the large dumpster be moved to a more remote and less visible location.
An Owner complained of work vehicles being parked here overnight and commented that the office might not be aware of this as it takes place in the evenings and weekends when the CAM is not on the property. (see above comments on the matter)
The yearly expenditure for the Courtesy Officer was questioned by an Owner as being unnecessary, other Owners disagreed and the general opinion was that the money was well spent. Briefly touched on was whether Zach Whidden worked just for NCC or was also working at Stone Harbor; Concord Dist. Mgr. Dan Furtaw was adamant that he was only working at NCC. An Owner commented regarding marked work vehicles parked overnight on the property by residents - they should not be parked here but many were. This is prohibited by our Declaration of Condominium at 12.5 (page 19).
A 3 person
'Fining Committee' was established after considerable back and forth. The committee members are: Mark Aldrich (806), Joseph Vanderwerrff (514) and Hollie Hundley (613). It was necessary to make sure that only Owners served on this committee as this is a requirement of the documents and should any non-owner serve it might make any resulting judgments invalid.
Questions regarding items on the budget were addressed including having $18,000 for fertilizer when we are $100,000 behind in delinquent owners dues. Owner Evans Manrique of Herbafex Landscaping said that the amount was about $5,000 to high. Suggestions were that this amount should be at least partly reduced and some of the $5,000 be put into the budget for 'plants' so that the Landscape Committee could have those funds available for use without having to get each expenditure separately approved by the BOD.
Water usage was considered, co-metering was brought up by several residents and information was provided regarding bringing in a new firm from Sarasota to do individual billings and in so doing reduce the quarterly billings to Owners. The BOD and CAM were to look into the legality of doing this as there was some concern that it might have earlier been done in error when American Utility Management (since fired for poor service) did such metering.
Bags of NCC branded items were given to Owners from the units attending, they contained parking permits (unofficial), notebooks, 2011 calendars, T-shirts, caps, large photo magnets, etc. Badges reading "Member BOD Nautilus Cove Condo" with leather cases were presented to both Mr. Rowland and Mr. DiGiacomo also parking permits (unofficial) with BOD designations. These items were donated by the blog author and did not cost the Assn. anything.
The CAM having previously sent out the appropirate warning letters to delinquent Owners, the BOD officially suspended the voting and usage rights of those delinquent Owners.
An Owner asked what sort of background checks were done on renters. Concord runs credit and criminal checks on applicants
*. Owners are not required to do this, they can rent to anyone they choose. It was recommended that all renters complete credit and background checks and this to be administered by the office for the same fee that they charge applicants renting the developers condos. Nothing was actually acted on, it was only discussed. (This had been brought up at the 12/6/09 meeting also - nothing followed through then either)
* Info obtained later is that the 'office' does not actually see any of this info, the firm used simply reports back as to whether or not the applicant was suitable to our requirements.)
Mr. Harris pointed out that he had redone the 8 page Rules and Regulations, dropping the boiler plate references that do not apply to our condo (i.e.: hot tubs, storm doors, hallways, elevators etc) and mentioned that he had sent copies to each BOD member and the CAM and asked that the 'new' RRs be accepted. BOD member Mr. Knight asked for a copy and it was provided. Any updating will be taken up at a later meeting. (see revisions at:
A further comment was made by Mr. Harris, regarding also amending the RRs further to include an exemption to allow for residents to display plants on their stoops, providing they were in good condition. This has been a matter of contention for some time with a BOD member being against such displays. No action was taken on this. (the proposed new RRs are online at:
The meeting lasted from 10 until 11:30 a.m.
Summary: The meetings acomplished:
1) Mr. Rowland joining the BOD and heading the, 'to be formed', Landscape Committee,
2) A 'Fining Committee' of 3 Owners was established and
3) The minutes of a meeting held 13 months ago were approved,
4) BOD suspends voting/usage rights for delinquent owners
The below is the 'official' comments on this 1/29/11 meeting, pretty much the Reader's Digest version.
Turnover Election Results 12/20/10
From now on Nautilus Cove will have 2 of the 3 BOD positions.
Jennifer Jones (#206), 16 votes
David Turner (#105), 5 votes
None of the above: 1
L. DiGiacomo (#616) is BOD President
J. Jones, is BOD VP
N. Knight, Secty/Treasurer
(the only remaining Developer appointed Director)
From the archives:
The only prior contested election in 2007 had 39 votes cast, Jennifer Jones won with 22, L. DiGiacomo 2nd with 11 and Rodney Smith had 6, the 2 other candidates had 0. Ms. Jones served for about 5 months and resigned due to the lack of co-operation received from the 2 Developer Directors, L. DiGiacomo assumed the seat and the next 2 elections he was retained as no one ran against him.
Oct 4, 2010 - BOD Meeting Results:
Unofficial Minutes:
Meeting called to order at 5:35 PM EST/4:35 CST
3 BOD members present and voting.
Item 1) discussion only, no vote. Participating were owners from: 1608, 608, 801, 1401, 1301 and 708 along with BOD members.
Item 2) Concord Management was approved 3-0 to remain as Management Company.
Item 3) Shared Facilities Agreement approved 3-0
Meeting concluded at 6:50 PM EST/5:50 CST
There were comments about the 3 proposed management firms. My comments were to the effect that we had 3 bad choices. There were unfavorable comments regarding the DNA Services and Condo Management Store. Concord was not well thought of by several Owners, it was proposed that they be retained as 'best of a bad lot' and on the existing month to month basis.
The main factor of the decision came down to insurance costs being considerably less with Concord who has 140 properties and gets a better rate than any 'stand alone' rate available from the other 2 companies. There were suggestions that the decision be put off until the Owners had a majority on the BOD in January and then we could get additional management firms to bid the BOD did not choose to do this.
There was really no surprises at the meeting. The developer BOD got what they wanted, as the saying goes: the Developer/BOD got the mine and the Owners got the shaft.
Immediately below are my comments on this meeting, these are not part of any official record:
A Going Away Gift from the Developer Controlled BOD
On 10-4-2010 the Board of Directors voted 3-0 to approve a “Shared Facilities Easement Agreement”, and on 10-6-2010 this 11 page document was filed in Bay County Courts and can be seen at:
Since the Developer has not turned over Phase 2 to the Association yet, this easement covers the main 2,200 sq ft ‘Commercial Building’ (ie: Clubhouse), 4 restrooms, exercise room, pool, pool pumps and childrens tot lot. As you will see below the developer will initially pay for the upkeep, BUT will bill us in advance for these estimated expenses at the start of each fiscal year. We are in effect renting these facilities from the developer plus the Developer (ie: Nautilus Development Partners, LLLP) has one office “Reserved for exclusive use by Developer”.
So the outgoing BOD has in effect given the Developer a nice going away present at our expense. Not only will they have an exclusive office here to rent out their unsold condos but we will be paying their expenses until they finally turn over the Phase 2 of the property which will be many many years in the future.
Some of those associated with Nautilus Development Partners, LLLP are our former BOD member Jay P. Brock and our current BOD member and Vice President/Treasurer Mr. Paul M. Missigman who as of 4/17/09 is listed in Florida Corporation documents as the General Partner of Nautilus Development Partners, LLLP. Can you say “Conflict of Interest?”
Exerts from the 11 pages filed:
The Dec 6th, 2009 and later reconviened Dec 20th 2009 AGMs are approved. Here they are for your reference. The top set of minutes were prepared by CAM Ms. Turnipseed, the prior CAM Ms. Dobbins had provided me with an earlier version which is shown below the 'approved' 2 pages.
Obviously only the approved minutes (top 2) are the official records of these Dec. 2009 meetings, however, the 2nd and 'unofficial minutes' (bottom) contain other historically interesting information which you might wish to consider. You will notice minor inconsistencies such as whether it was Knight or DiGiacomo who chaired the meeting.
================ following are the 'Dobbins' minutes ====================
2009 Annual Owners’ Meeting
Unapproved Minutes
Call to Order
The 2009 Nautilus Cove Condominiums Annual Homeowners’ Meeting was called to order by Norman Knight on December 20, 2009 at 9:05am at the Panama City Beach Senior Center. Units were represented either in person or by proxy.
Appoint of Chairman of the Meeting
Norman Knight appointed Lenny DiGiacomo as chairman of the Owners Meeting.
Proof of Notice
Lenny DiGiacomo stated that notice of the meeting was mailed and posted as required.
Approval of 2008 Annual Owners Meeting Minutes
There were no changes to the minutes presented. The minutes of the 2008 Annual Owners’ Meeting stand as presented.
Reports of Officers and Committees
There were no officer or Committee reports given.
Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
New Business
Debra Lewis, 504, asked who to contact if emergency maintenance was needed. It was explained that Owners are responsible for the maintenance of the interior of their condo. There is maintenance available 24 hours if there is an emergency in the common elements. Kay Dobbins, Manager, does live onsite and can assist with the owner helping to find an appropriate service person or turning the electric or water in an emergency.
Terri Miller, 207, asked about the dogs in a couple of buildings and stated that dog poop is not being picked up by some of the pet Owners. The Board stated Owners should notify the office if they see a dog that concerns them, is not on a leash or is not being picked up after.
An owner asked how to get a list of all the owners. They just need to contact the office for a copy.
Debra Lewis, 504, asked the shortest rental time allowed. It is 3 months.
The Owners agreed that the speed bumps are a good thing and have reduced the speed of the cars traveling through the property.
An Owner asked if Holiday decorations are allowed. Yes Holiday decorations are allowed. They cannot be attached to the buildings with nails or screws and they must be removed within 2 weeks after the holiday.
Debra Lewis, 504, asked if there are water taps on the exterior of the buildings and how the individual water meters were read in the past. There are taps on the front and back of each building and a special key is needed to turn them on. The individual water meters were read by satellite.
Mr. Jarrett, 701, asked about the gate in front of the 8 building. A caster/roller and a handle were added to the gate to make it easier to open and close. Since these items were added the gate has been staying shut much more often.
The Owners agreed that the new maintenance person, Jeremy Overmier, is doing a good job. The trash cans are being emptied regularly and the property is always clean and looks nice. It was added that the landscapers, Southern Roots, are also doing a good job.
An Owner asked for the courtesy officer’s phone number. The Courtesy Officer’s number is 850‑238‑1868.
It was asked how many units have sold and how many units are in foreclosure. Three of the Developer’s unsold units were sold in 2009. There are approximately a dozen Owners in foreclosure at this time.
The length of time remaining on the satellite contract and if there is a way out of the contract was asked. The contract with MDU expires in the summer of 2013. The contract has been looked at and at this time there is not a way out of it. The FCC has been contacted regarding making the exclusivity clause unenforceable. They have not yet made this ruling in regards to satellite contracts.
Motion to Adjourn
Lenny made a motion to adjourn the 2009 Annual Owners’ Meeting. Joan Morgan seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20am.
Dec 20 2009 Board of Directors’ Organizational
and Budget Meeting
Unapproved Minutes
Call to Order
Norman Knight called the 2009 Nautilus Cove condominiums Board of Directors’ Organizational and Budget Meeting to order on December 20, 2009 at 9:25am at the Panama City Beach Senior Center. Norman Knight and Lenny DiGiacomo attended the meeting in person and Paul Missigman attended via speaker phone.
Proof of Notice
Notice of the meeting was mailed and posted as required.
Approval of 2008 Organizational and Budget Meeting
Norman Knight made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Lenny DiGiacomo seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Election of Officers
Lenny DiGiacomo nominated Norman Knight as President and Paul Missigman as Secretary. Norman Knight added that Lenny DiGiacomo would be the Vice President and seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Approval of 2010 Budget
It was asked how many Owners are past due on their Association Fees and what the collection process is. Kay Dobbins, Manager, stated that she did not the exact number at that time but believed it was approximately 30 owners. She then stated that once an Owner is late, late fees are changed and a late notice intent to lien notice is mailed to the Owner. If payment is still not received then a lien is filed. If the fees remain unchanged, the Board can choose to foreclose on the lien.
An Owner asked why the insurance cost is so low. It was explained that the Developers have the insurance pooled with other properties through the same agent to keep the costs low.
It was asked what Deferred Maintenance is. Norman Knight explained that is Deferred Maintenance is funds to cover any expenses not included in the reserve line items or any overage that may occur in a reserve line item.
There was a question as to why the gate maintenance costs were budgeted so low. It was explained that those are the cost for minor repair and preventative maintenance. Any repairs to the gate that exceed $500 is covered by and paid from the gate reserve funds.
With no more budget questions, Lenny DiGiacomo made a motion to approve the 2010 budget as presented. Paul Missigman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
New Business
There was no new business. Norman Knight stated that the Owners and the Developer have a common interest in what’s best for Nautilus Cove.
With no other business, Lenny DiGiacomo made a motion to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 9:35am.
BOD Meeting of Dec 20, 2008
Board of Directors Organizational and Budget Meeting
Unapproved Minutes
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Norman Knight at 9:25am.
Appointment of Chairman
Norman Knight was elected to Chair the Meeting.
Election of Officers
Lenny DiGiacomo made a motion to elect the officers as follows: Norman Knight, President; Lenny DiGiacomo, Vice President; Paul Missigman, Secretary/Treasurer. Paul Missigman seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Proof of Notice
Norman Knight stated that the notice of the meeting was posted onsite and mailed to each Owner as required.
Approval of Minutes
Norman Knight asked for a motion to defer this till the next meeting. Lenny made motion as requested. The motion was seconded by Paul Missigman and approved unanimously.
Committee and Officer Reports
Lenny DiGiacomo stated the Fining Committee was established in July. Thus far no fines have been issued and there is nothing to report.
Dean Price and Jay Brock resigned from the Board in the summer. Norman Knight and Paul Missigman were appointed to fill the vacancies respectively.
Due to no Owners other then Lenny DiGiacomo running for the Owner’s Representative vacancy there was not an election.
Approval of 2009 Budget
Norman Knight stated the Board further reviewed the budget after it was mailed out and proposed increasing the pool maintenance, grounds supplies and clean up, and insurance line items. Norman also explain that water and sewer was billed individually but would now be included in dues. Norman explained that the insurance is in bulk with other properties insurance so the Association could take advantage of lower rates. The Association’s policy is property specific and individual but because of buying so many properties together there is a reduced bulk rate that the Association is able to benefit from. Norman Knight recommended incrementally increasing the insurance line item each year to prepare owners for the large insurance increase at turnover.
The following questions were directed to the Board and Management by the Owners:
Will the management fees increase?
Norman replied that they are likely not to increase.
Explain the large increase in electric and phone expense.
Norman stated that this is due to both bad budgeting and the Developer paying portion of expenses during 1st part of year due to the sales efforts.
Owners present either in person or by proxy:
Roberta Jones, David Turner, Aaron, Hall, Jennifer Jones, Terri Miller/Thomas Stoll, Jennifer Casiano, Rodney Smith, Brandon Marinetti, Nancy Davis, Jeremy Lewis, Joseph Vanderwerf, Scott Hupp, Classic builders, Robert McDonald, Lewis Wilson, Joan Morgan, Eric Jarrett, Lenny DiGiacomo, Gary White, Paul Jones, Waterstone (4), Jaime Webber, Mark Aldrich, D Knight Investments, BSJ Properties, Ronya Simmons, James Sheppard, Norman Knight
Why isn’t the sales office paying rent? Why are they using the Association’s space and phones for no charge?
Paul Missigman stated that the Management would make sure they are paying their own costs, for example advertising, phone, etc. Paul Missigman also stated that they would investigate what the Association using of Pelicans versus what they are using of the Association.
How is managers time spent between HOA and leasing?
It averages half on Association and half on Leasing.
Who is Global and Concord?
Global is the development company and Concord is the management company.
Why is the water now included in the association fees?
This change is due to requirements in the Florida Statutes.
How many units are past due and what is the procedure for collecting the past due amounts?
There are two units in the foreclosure process and five other units placed with the Attorney for collections and now have liens placed against them. When a unit is behind a past due notice is sent. If payment is still not received it is placed with the attorney who sends out a collection notice. If the account remains unpaid a lien is filed against the unit that could turn into foreclosure.
Lenny DiGiacomo made a motion to approve the 2009 budget as amended with quarterly assessments of $675.00 per unit. Paul Missigman seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to discuss.
New Business
Chairs – Norman Knight explained the concerns regarding exterior items and unsightly occurrences. The Board agreed to continue to enforce the condominium documents. You may have a chair out while using it but it must be brought in when not using it.
There was a brief discussion about the size of the dogs in some of the units. Lenny made a motion to grandfather in the large dogs that were previously allowed but, from today forward, enforce 36 lb weight limit. Paul Missigman seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
There was additional discussion about chairs being allowed at the unit entrance. It was asked if the Board would consider approving a standard chair to be left out. Norman Knight recommended speaking with Owners to establish the approved standard. Lenny agreed to speak with Owners about having an approved chair to be left outside and what type of chair they would recommend. He will send the recommendation to the other Board members for consideration and approval.
Lenny DiGiacomo made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Paul Missigman and carried unanimously.
(The below are my notes on the lst 'unofficial' Annual General Meeting, the one that did not have a quorum and was in effect just a Q & A session. I was not available for the meetings the following Friday.)
Misc info from the Q and A's of Dec 6th 2009:
* 108 units of the 168 have been sold.
* 5 speed bumps will be installed soon, just waiting for the 3rd bid to come in then one firm will be selected to do the job.
* 10 MPH signs will be put up - these have no force of law but are advisory. Tickets have been written on the property but for 'careless driving' not speeding.
* The number of the condo Courtesy Officer is: 238-1868.
* Christmas wreaths and decorations are allowed. The coming Dec 20th meeting will decide how long such items may be left up.
* Comments were made about the positioning of the 'splash guards' under the gutters. The developers want them facing back towards the building, which is entirely incorrect, and the opinion was rendered that if anyone wanted to simply change the ones around their units so that the water would be directed away from the building, that this would be acceptable.
* Concern about the vetting of renters was voiced. Those renting from Concord now have to provide DL, SSN and have a good credit history. Records checks are made to avoid renting to the criminal element. Those renting privately seen to have no such requirements and a change in procedure will be look at to include those renting privately to come under the same requirements.
* MDU remains in the dog house. They have agreed to sell their contract to either Knology or Comcast if possible. In the meantime the management will not take any adverse action against those who sign up with Dish TV and get that firms satellite dishes installed. Keep in mind that Dish TV requires a 2 year contract for service, this could be a problem and owners interested in Dish TV should inquire before signing up if the contract can be canceled without penalty if the condo goes to a required provider not Dish TV.
* In the future both satellite or cable will probably be mandatory for all units with the costs of basic service being added to the quarterly dues. Any special channels or packages would be separately billed to the owners who wanted to sign up for them.
* The AUM utility billing will soon be done on a pro-rated basis with the sewer/water bills incorporated into the quarterly payments. This is an advantage to those who use a lot of water as the bills will be fixed on a per unit basis.
* Problems continue with the trash. People are dumping old mattresses, furniture, tables, vaccume cleaners etc at the dumpster. These items pile up blocking access to residents who just want to use the trash chute. The problem is noted but presently there is no solution.
(NOTE: This is the infamous 2 minute meeting in which one management firm was fired and another appointed. Both management firms and the BOD have repeatedly refused to provide any info as to why one firm was fired and the other hired. Something has always smelled here.)
Nautilus Cove Condominium Assn, Inc. Emergency Board Meeting
Unapproved Minutes
Date: April 16, 2008
Seagrove on the Beach Property Management office, 5311 E. Co. Hwy 30-A, Santa, Rosa Beach, FL 32459
Call to Order:
Association Manager Ross Pritchett called meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. Central Time.
Board Members Present:
Dean Price and Jim Klohn via speakerphone. Jennifer Jones could not make the meeting, but replied to Ross Pritchett by email with her recommendation to rehire Seagrove on the Beach Property Management as the HOA manager.
Others Present:
Ross Pritchett and Samantha Jarrett- Seagrove on the Beach Property Management – Association Managers.
Establish Quorum:
A quorum was established with two of the three board members present via speakerphone. Both members waived notice.
Reinstatement of Management Company:
Dean Price moved that the association reinstate the management agreement with Seagrove on the Beach effective today April 16, 2008. (Update: this change only lasted until July 1, 2008 and the BOD fired Seagrove 'again' and Concord was rehired) Jim Klohn seconded. Motion passed 2 Yes. Voting Yes was Dean Price and Jim Klohn.
Jim Klohn moved to adjourn. Dean Price seconded. Meeting adjourned at 2:03 p.m.
Submitted by: Ross Pritchett, CAM Association Manager
Nautilus Cove Board meeting 3/01/2008 Page 1 of 1
Date: March 1, 2008
Association Office, 13700 Panama City Beach Pkwy, Panama City Beach, FL 32408
Call To Order:
Association Manager Ross Pritchett called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. Central Time.
Board Members Present:
Jennifer Jones, and Dean Price and Jim Klohn via speakerphone.
Others Present: Ross Pritchett and Samantha Jarrett, On The Beach Property Management, Association managers.
Establish Quorum:
A quorum was established with all three Board members either present or present via speakerphone.
Proof Of Due Notice:
Proper notice was posted on property as required by Florida Statutes and Association documents.
Termination Of Management Company:
Dean Price moved that the association terminate the management agreement with Seagrove On The Beach effective today, March 1, 2008. Jim Klohn seconded. Motion passed 2Yes and 1 No. Voting Yes was Dean Price and Jim Klohn. Jennifer Jones voted No.
Hiring New Management Company: Dean Price moved that the Association hire Concord Management as the new association management company for the Nautilus Cove Condominium Association, effective today, March 1, 2008. Jim Klohn seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Jim Klohn moved to adjourn. Dean Price seconded. Meeting adjourned at 3:07 p.m.
Submitted by:
Ross Pritchett, CAM
Association manager
Here is how the 2007 Annual Owners Meeting went:
DATE: December 8, 2007
City of Panama City Beach Senior Center at 423 Lyndell Lane, Panama City Beach, FL 32413.
Association Manager Ross Pritchett called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Central Time.
Holloway-unit # 107, Miller- unit # 207, Smith – unit # 210, Casiano – unit #302, Smith- unit #306, Cahours- unit # 307, Thomas – unit # 401, Hargaray – unit # 407, Davis – unit #503, Lewis – unit # 504, Vanderwerff – unit # 514, Morgan – unit # 608, DigiaComo & Centeno – unit #616, Jarrett – unit #701, White – unit #703, Jones – unit # 709, Ankoviak – unit # 711, Sims – unit # 715, Holmes – unit # 801, Aldrich – unit # 806, Wilhite – unit # 1605, Mullins – unit # 1608, and the Developers were present for sixty one units.
Jones – unit # 104, Davis – unit # 106, Hamre – units # 203, Staggs – unit # 408, Breithhaupt– unit # 501 & #603, Murphree – unit # 502, Grass – unit # 506, Spence – unit # 510, McRitchie – unit # 513, Munyon – unit # 516, Wilson – unit # 606, Ussery – unit # 702, Miles – unit # 803, Simmons – unit #1601.
Eighty three units were represented by owners at the meeting and fifteen units were represented by proxy. A quorum was established with ninety eight out of one hundred sixty eight units being represented at the meeting.
Ross Pritchett and Samantha Jarrett –Seagrove On The Beach Property Management – Association managers, Ron Jones, Pelican Real Estate Broker, Dean Price and Jim Klohn who are the Developers and members of the Board of Directors
Affidavits for the first notice and second notice were presented at the meeting and are filed as part of the official record. Notice was posted at the property as required.
The Nautilus Cove Homeowners are here to elect one of the homeowners to become a member of the Board of Directors.
Ross Pritchett opened with explaining to the owners that the Association documents require that any owner that rents their unit is required to supply the Association with a copy of the lease. The owner can black out the amount charged. Also he reminded the owners that by law the Association requires a copy of a key to every unit. Ross then went on to explain why the Association is not heating the pool. He told them that it was up to the Board of Directors to determine whether or not the pool would be heated.
He also told them about the October test run on heating the pool and the bill was a little over $1,800.00. Finally, he reminded them about the official owners’ website that they can visit to see the financials, and to post comments.
Thirty nine ballots were cast in the 2007 Board member election. Len DiGiacomo received eleven (11) votes, Jaime Holmes received zero (0) votes, Jennifer Jones received twenty two (22) votes, Joshua Simmons received zero (0) votes and Rodney Smith received six (6) votes. Jennifer Jones was elected to the board.
Ross Pritchett discussed the financial situation of the Association and mentioned that financial information is posted on the web site. In addition to the Operating and Deposit Accounts the Association now has beginning in January 2008 there will be an account for Reserves. He explained that the assessments for 2008 will remain at $537 per quarter ($179.00 per month).
Comments Made:
What is the projected time of turnover to the homeowners and how many have been sold? Everyone was updated about the cable situation. The water bill was explained to everyone and why the bill went to a fixed rate for everyone. The gate issue was discussed and everyone was told that we were having warranty problems and that’s why it has not been fixed.
Someone suggested we need more security around the pool area. Maybe pool tags could be given to the owners or renters to wear while at the pool. The pool should be locked at all times to protect the Association.
Ross Pritchett explained the rules for the pool deck area and that glass on the pool deck or while you’re in the pool is a violation of Florida Statutes and could result in the pool being closed by the Health Department. There was and inquiry about the time the gates open and close. Response made was that the gates open at 5:30 am and close at 5:30 pm. There was a comment made on the clutter that many of the units have on their front entryways.
The letter process for violations should be modified. Tom Webber who is the courtesy officer of Nautilus Cove explained to everyone what he was hired to do and if there is a problem on the premises, they should call him. An owner asked how many time the garbage cans and the pet stations were emptied a week. Also the landscapers need to be contacted about the preserved islands because they need some cleaning up.
There was a question about units being used as a dormitory. “Is Pelican Real Estate paying rent?” was asked. Ross Pritchett discussed possibly getting a fountain installed in the retention pond to help with mosquitoes and to help the appearance of that pond. Someone asked what the process for renters to live here was and if the owners were doing background checks on these people. It is the owners’ responsibility to check who they are renting to.
Tom Webber also commented about the kids being left unsupervised.
Someone asked, “what was the purpose of the black panels on the sides of the buildings”? We discussed plumbing problems in a unit. There were a few questions and comments made about the budget. Why was the insurance so much less than last year? Explain the taxes and licenses in the budget.
Someone asked about the management fee and how it was figured.
The next annual meeting has not yet been determined.ADJOURNMENT:
After a motion to adjourn and seconded, meeting adjourned at 11:26 a.m.
Submitted by:
Samantha Jarrett
Association manager
BOD Written Consent in Lieu of 1st Meeting