Bill Harris, 708
Subject: Sad News | |||
Date: 9/13/2012 2:14:00 P.M |
From: redacted | |||
I just received the following from one of our owners and thought you
should know about this.
due to Mr. Harris's blog they declined
They made the right
As long as you, as a BOD member, keep Concord
Management running this complex it will not be a fit place to buy a
Their 3 year sweetheart contract is up next year (Oct
4th I believe) and whoever is on that 2013 board MUST see
that Concord Management gets tossed out.
They work for the Developer and NOT for
our Owners. We are paying them a heck of a lot for very little work for us here
at Nautilus Cove. I am going to attach something that you may have seen before,
but it tells everyone exactly who Concord Management Ltd works for and I intend
to make sure that each and every Owner here at the condo gets a copy of this
** they may not read it but they
sure will get it.
I and a heck of a lot of other Owners have had more than enough of this foolishness from Concord and Ms Turnipseed. I have absolutely NO doubt whatsoever that it was her that posted on my message board the negative information about the former employee Mr Holland and an Owners husband ( She is a totally disruptive and un-cooperative person. I know this from many sources including my own contacts with her.
I and a heck of a lot of other Owners have had more than enough of this foolishness from Concord and Ms Turnipseed. I have absolutely NO doubt whatsoever that it was her that posted on my message board the negative information about the former employee Mr Holland and an Owners husband ( She is a totally disruptive and un-cooperative person. I know this from many sources including my own contacts with her.
I will continue to be entirely negative towards Concord
until they are gone which I hope is with the new 2013 Board of Directors and you
can email a copy of this the person who complained and anyone else you would
I have had no use for Concord and the Developer since my
inquiry many years ago to both management firms (Concord & Seagrove), the
BOD and the Pres of Concord Management about the 4/16/08 2 minute
'Emergency' BOD meeting* (I asked what the 'Emergency' was), while no one officially
responded to me the Mr. Jones, the realtor you like from Pelican, emailed me
that they didn't have to tell me and one of the
Pelican realtors told me that the Developer said: "it was none of
my business". Until then I had little interest in Concord, since
then I have and I will see that they will not remain as our management
If you are interested in what my best guess on the 'why'
of this Emergency meeting was necessary, it is that Concord Management did not
have a certified Community Assn Mgr on our site when they took over from
Seagrove, which is violation of DBPR regulations and they could be heavily
fined and they wanted 'out' on a temporary basis ASAP (ie: before anyone
noticed) so they gave it back to Seagrove for a few months.
As you know NCC is no longer an 'approved FHA/HUD'
complex, this rating expired a year ago and it has nothing to do with my blog
but has to do with the number of rentals here v. owner occupancy (it is about 80% rental) and our long standing
delinquency rate. I also just lost the sale of my condo on a VA loan. Our
condo is just not certifiable anymore so lenders are not anxious to write loans
for NCC units. You might remember my having written to you about a month ago
when a Mr. Coulson from Atlanta had his bid for 515 fall through, he
"Two Banks have refused loans in Nautilus
We were approved for the loans, but FHA has dropped the complex from the approved list of FHA approved Condos, so an FHA loan could not be obtained.
Reason: Financial Status not updated.
Second Conventional Loan not approved because too many rentals, developer owned units, and current financial status of the Association."
We were approved for the loans, but FHA has dropped the complex from the approved list of FHA approved Condos, so an FHA loan could not be obtained.
Reason: Financial Status not updated.
Second Conventional Loan not approved because too many rentals, developer owned units, and current financial status of the Association."
The units here are not easily sold despite prices being
45% of original, mine was almost sold at 54% of original price and went down the
tubes Monday.
So please tell your little friend (probably Realtor
Jones) that the decision of the person not to consider NCC was probably the
correct one, at least until we can unload Concord Mis-Management and get someone
And if you are interested in who might come in, take a
look at: Nearly 2 years ago I asked the Continental Group to take a look
at our complex and write a proposal as to what they could do for us, they did 24
pages just on spec. Their firm is the local representative of one that has over
1 MILLION managed units in several countries, Concord has perhaps 32,000 managed
units in 7 states (a couple of states it is 1 complex).
I have never met with anyone from Continental, have no
connection to them and don't care if they, or some other management firm takes
over, I just know that we don't need a snotty CAM in the office representing the
Developer and his 'Team' of companies.
Bill Harris
(NOTE: This is the infamous 2 minute
meeting in which one management firm was fired and another appointed. Both
management firms and the BOD have repeatedly refused to provide any info as to
why one firm was fired and the other hired. Something has always smelled
Nautilus Cove Condominium Assn, Inc.
Emergency Board Meeting
Unapproved MinutesDate: April 16, 2008
Seagrove on the Beach Property
Management office, 5311 E. Co. Hwy 30-A, Santa, Rosa Beach, FL
Call to Order:
Association Manager Ross Pritchett called meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. Central Time.
Board Members Present:
Dean Price and Jim Klohn via speakerphone. Jennifer Jones could not make the meeting, but replied to Ross Pritchett by email with her recommendation to rehire Seagrove on the Beach Property Management as the HOA manager.
Others Present:
Ross Pritchett and Samantha Jarrett- Seagrove on the Beach Property Management – Association Managers.
Establish Quorum:
A quorum was established with two of the three board members present via speakerphone. Both members waived notice.
Reinstatement of Management Company:
Dean Price moved that the association reinstate the management agreement with Seagrove on the Beach effective today April 16, 2008. (Update: this change only lasted until July 1, 2008 and the BOD fired Seagrove 'again' and Concord was rehired) Jim Klohn seconded. Motion passed 2 Yes. Voting Yes was Dean Price and Jim Klohn.
Jim Klohn moved to adjourn. Dean Price seconded. Meeting adjourned at 2:03 p.m.
Submitted by: Ross Pritchett, CAM Association Manager
** for the best copy go to their site